22. Lone she wolf

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I walk around the territory and before I cross Alice stops me.

'You really doing this?' She asks.

'Ya, I actually look they part this time.' I sit giving a wolfy smile.

'Good luck, update us. How long are you gunna be gone?' Alice asks.

'Will, probably two or three days I've got to get their trust. Tell Aiden I love him. My story is I ran from my abusive pack and mate. Tell the pack so they can plan and tell me what you all decide.' I explain.

Alice nod and I go north off our territory. I rub against trees and leaves and dirt to get everyone's scents off me.

I zigzag across the river so no one will be able to follow me. I soon head upstream East cross the river about six times thanking Aiden for using water poof paint.

I soon catch the scent of a couple rouges and follow it. They come into view and if I wanted I kill both of them in an instant. My wolf wanted to but I deny idea.

I whimper quietly and they turn quickly growling at me. I bow my head my nose an inch from the dirt and I hated every second.

The black wolf trotted over to me I lay down my body half an inch from actually touching the ground Baring my teeth. He barks at the grayish brown wolf.

The black wolf rubs up against me and I growl mostly on instinct. The grey-brown nudges my back telling me to get up.

I stand and snap at his nose. He growls at me but doesn't do anything. I walk in between the two on guard.

The black wolf was walking right against me matching my pace and I snap at his shoulder when he gets to close for comfort.

He whines and jumps back slightly. We walk for about three minutes before we got to a small camp with mostly clean but dirty people walking around with a few wolves on guard.

A man walks up to all three of us handing both of the wolves cloths.

They shift quickly putting their cloths on even quicker. The black wolf was a blue eyed black haired teen probably a couple year older then me and the grey brown wolf looked to be about forty's to fifty's.

"Found a lone wolf of our territory." The older man says to the acorn haired guy that was in front of me and gave them both cloths.

"The she-wolfs a feisty one too." The blue eyed one says pointing his thumb in my direction.

I growl snapping at his back and he jumps a foot in the air. "I know what you mean.." the acorn haired guy says looking me in the eye.

He raises his hand and I flinch away. "Huh.. shift." He command making my wolf growl but I keep her mouth shut.

"Now." He says in a low tone.

I shift coving my self the best I can looking at the ground. A black shirt was handed to me and I took it cautiously.

I slip the shirt on then look at the three men in front of me. I used this tactic because I have old scars that was from abuse.

I was being protective to show I'm a fighter unlike most broken and abused people. "When did that happen?" The black haired guy asks looking a the scar that starts at my shoulder to my ankle.

"Nothing that concerns you." I snap but take a step back seeing his expression change from pity to anger.

He the boy takes a small step back and I lower my head hating it. "Enough. Who did this to you she wolf." Acorny asks and I glare at him.

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