28. Fire

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I'm woken up by the distinct smell of smoke. I stayed at Aidens tonight so we could go to school together but something felt off.

I wake Aiden. "Aiden get up." I feel the heat from downstairs knowing there is a fire.

"AIDEN!" I scream fear and tears lacing my voice.

"What?" He asks.

"Please get up go out side please!" I beg.

He sees my face and obeys I tell him to out out his window and he does without question.

I open Aidens door to be Meeres with flames climbing up the stairs. I act fast grabbing wet towels and throw them in the flames to slow it.


I open the doors waking everyone earning them to go out side. I push Ella out with Aiden catching her.

I do the same with his three sisters and turn to see Aidens dad standing there.

"Go." I shout. Seeing the flames creeping closer.

"You!" He shouts over the flames.

"I'll be fine." I tell him going around him pushing him out the window. I back up know feeling my feet burn and my arm sting. "Fuck." I Mutter.

I run jumping off his deck and scream out in pain when I shift landing on my feet.

It was dumb to shift in front of Aidens family but I like my legs to work. My wolf can take a better beating then me.

I shake my head and turn around. Seeing Aidens dad wide eyed with his family behind him. Aiden forced through his family and came to me.

I nod my head at him and lay down telling him to get on. "She wants us to come get on." Aiden explains.

Ella walks up with Aiden on my but and her in front of him. They all climb on after a minute.

I start to run and whimper/ cry out as I do so. There was definitely burns on my feet and do arm.

"Acey you okay?" Aiden ask and I nod with determination.

I run to the pack house to see it in flames.

I shift putting Aidens coat on running into the pack house.

"GET OUT OF THE HOUSE NOW!" I command to see every one open their doors.

I smell wolves bane which is why they haven't woken. They all jump out windows and off decks, out doors like mice.

I run out of the kitchen door seeing Nick n' Alice, Jen, Aiden and his family but no Echo or Bexley.

"Echo." I say trying to run back in but Aiden holds my back pulling my forearm makeing me cry out.

"You can't go back it." He says crossing my arms across my chest and holding my back to him.

We all watch silently hoping they will come through a door. Echo is the closest thing I have to a brother. He was one of the ones that first found me all those years ago.

I couldn't leave him. He can't leave me.

'Help!' My wolf cry's.

I brake Aidens grip bitting my lip to keep from screaming from my fresh burn. I run in getting a wet towel and covering my mouth. I run into my room too see my white wolf cowering in the corner on my room.

I grab her screaming Echo and Baxleys names. "Here." Echo responds.

"We have to go." I say handing him the wet towel.

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