15. Rescue

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Props to whoever made the photo above I think it looks amazing lol.

Hope y'all enjoy the chapter ;P


Aidens POV

I haven't gotten sleep for weeks, Accalia was wolf to someone and she's been gone for three weeks.

Nick is acting alpha with me being right by his side to agree to things. Every lead we have gets shot down.

With in two months Lia has been kidnapped two times. Two! That girl has horrible luck.

We have been seeing pictures of her on the web but nothing that ties her to where she is.

The pack leaders said she's too far away to be able to communicate with us. On the bright side though we know she's not dead. They said I would feel it... I don't really know what that means but I have a heavy weight on my heart of loneliness the pack also says that it's how she feels.

I just wish I was with her watching a movie or kissing her soft lips.

"Al- Aiden. We found something." Bex calls from Lia's office.

I jump to my feet from the couch and run over through the corridor. "What is it." I say breathless.

"Come see this." Bexley says with a grin which makes my hopes rise to the sky.

I rush to the laptop on Lia's mahogany desk sitting in the leather chair.

I see the video of a beautiful white wolf with a brown nose and hind leg the one I've see so many times in person and pictures.

The wolf gets off its ledge rolling its eyes which brings a smile to my face knowing she's talking with her wolf.

The giant wolf gets a drink from a stream that's in her cage. She then runs over to a girl that fell in her pen. I inhale my eyes glued to the screen.

The white wolf whimpers with the impact but still takes the girl by her pink dress and sits on the ledge with the tiny girl in between her front legs.

The wolf roles her eyes again when a woman come running screaming 'my baby oh my baby' and 'the wolves going to eat my baby.'

That made her growl and lick the girls hand in a teasing way which makes me chuckle.

The girl whispers something and the white wolf tenses writing something in the dirt making the black haired girl nod.

The wolf proceeds to let the girl on her neck and deliver her to the security.

Before the video ends the wolf gets on the ledge stands tall and lets the most heart breaking howl out which shatters my heart. But the worst part is the crowd cheered her on.

Before the video ends the wolf picks up a red half leather half cloth coat and snuggles to it.

The video then goes black with white word saying 'Sky blues California Zoo"

Once the words role off the screen I look up at Bexley who has Echo on her arm.

"Let's go get her." I say looking for plane tickets.


It's two AM right now and we just got out of security our plane takes off in an hour so we decided to get breakfast.
Jen, Echo and Bexley are coming with me to pick Lia up.

The only thing that I couldn't get out of my head was the howl L let out it hurt to hear but at least we know where she is.

Accalia's POV

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