7. Girlfriend

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I was hoping to post this yesterday but I had stupid homework, I don't like math lol. Can any one agree? I honestly suck at math.

Any way enjoy, comment and comment some one lol.

I apologize if I like forcing you to comment I just love reading comments on other books and like to hear other peoples opinions. ^^ I sorry.

Needs editing.


Accalia's POV

I reluctantly turn back to a human and Aiden holds my cloths out covering his eyes with the other hand.

'At least he has manners." My wolf says, and I nod in agreement.

"Your clear." I say pulling my red crop top hoodie down all the way and I see Aiden blush slightly.

"You look cute when you blush" I say with out thinking while dusting my blue jeans off.

"Thanks... my sisters say the same thing." He mumbles.

"You have sisters?" I ask looking slightly up at him. Why are guys always so tall?

'Maybe your just short.' My wolf retorts.

"Oh ya four." He says running his hand through his almost black hair. "Ella, the oldest. Everstein (ever-stean) my twin, Mavis the second youngest and Valentine the baby of the family... she's sixteen." He explains awkwardly.

"You have a twin!" I exclaim, I glance at him and he looks confused "oh ya I haven't met a nice pare of twins... all the twins I've know have challenged me.." I spit out again with out thinking I cover my mouth to so stop talking.

Aiden chuckles "well Everstein can be... you know a bitch sometimes." He says running his hand through his hair again.

I smell the air around me beneath it I smell nervousness. "What's wrong" I ask getting worried.

'Don't let mad deny us.' My wolf says and I shush her.

"Oh n-nothing." He says siting on the forest floor leaning his back against a tree. "Just a lot to take in I guess... I mean your a werewolf." He says looking away from me.

"You don't like me." I say trying not to sound hurt.

"No. No. I think it's amazing but why are you... like why'd you choose to tell me?"

"Oh... that... ya so you know the voice in your head?" He nods before I continue. "Well we have like two, one is the voice in our head and the other.. i-it's our wolf." He looks at me thoughtfully and I keep talking.

"Your my mate. The spirits have a weird sense of humor and matched us together. A mate is a soul mate is someone your destined to be with." I pause playing with the damp leaves on the forest floor letting him take it up.

I start to talk again. "A mate can deny their mate but it sends both into a deep depression. I was going to deny you." I say finally looking at him.

"Why?" He asks softly.

"Your Human.. but my wolf refused to let me give up on you. Eventually the pull to you was to strong... when I saw you with that girl... I heart broke into a thousand pieces not to my wolf." I pause thinking thoughtfully, "when I saw you surrounded but part of the pack I knew I could let Nick scare you off or explain to you risking you leaving but a chance you would stay. I'm sorry"

"Are there any instances where a wolf was dented?" Aiden asks and my heart skips a bead.

"Yess" I pause. "Erm there are many, Lydia one of the pack members was abused by her mate. I ended up killing him. She was devastated but it was better then being abused I shou- there was another boy in the pack that was rejected as well... it's rare but it doesn't mean it doesn't happen." I finish mentally slapping my self for almost slipping.

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