C H A P T E R 2

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Chapter 2.

Episode: Mascot

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Camp Campbell

Day 2.

On this warm summer day, the campers were following David to the front of the Mess Hall.

David almost started skipping when he reached a little hamster cage. Y/N watched the man curiously, almost as if they were watching a little child pick out a new pet at a pet store. They hid a little laugh as they thought about it.

"And here we have our time-honored Camp mascot, Larry the hamster." David told the kids with an excited grin, almost as if he had never seen the hamster before in his entire life.

Y/N gave a little smile at seeing the animal. Yes, the first day has sucked so far, but animals are always able to lift up someone's spirits.

"Say hi, Larry!" David continued on, his eyes being full with enthusiasm as he pointed at the little hamster, which was just sitting around in his cage.

Quickly, David rushed behind the cage, ducking as his face could be seen through the cage.

"Hi there, campers! I hope you're ready to have fun today! Don't forget to respect David and everything he does for you!" Of course, David said this, but he thought the campers were too dumb to realize that this wasn't the Hamster speaking. His squeaky voice made some campers frown.

Y/N turned around and noticed Max, who was standing next to a little... machine..? which he had made.

They made sure that David didn't see them and slowly and quietly walked to stand next to the black haired boy.

"What are you going to do with that?" They asked him in a soft and quiet voice so no one would notice the two kids.

Max answered with a monotone voice, not looking at the teen standing beside them. "You'll see."

Y/N wasnt really pleased with not getting an answer and furrowed their eyebrows, but they decided to shrug it of and they looked back at David, who softly pulled out the hamster from his cage and laid him down onto his hand.

"Oh! He talked! Did you hear that?" The happy counselor asked the campers, feigning surprise as he slapped his free hand onto his cheek.

"Does he really think we're that naive?" The h/c haired kid asked as they felt awkward. All of the kids were definitely above six years old... it was noticeable that David didn't have the most experience with teens.

ON HOLD| EDITING | "A smile doesn't suit you" | A Max X Fem!Reader Story | Where stories live. Discover now