C H A P T E R 13

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Welcome to Season 2!

Chapter 13.

Episode: Cult Camp

You currently have a Knife, a Mini Crown, and the Price for the best Counselor!

Hope you enjoy!




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Hey everyone!

Just wanted to thank you all for this huge support I'm getting lately :)

Your comments really motivate me into writing the next Chapters, I really like your Comments!

So, please don't feel shy to comment something. I love reading them!

Also: If you notice any flaws in Y/N or in my Grammar, please don't feel shy to correct me/give me advice.

So, I won't annoy you any longer. Hope you enjoy this Chapter!


Camp Campbell.

Day 13.

A fresh Morning.

We're starting of with one of our dear Counselors in this Chapter.

In the Counselor Cabin, a certain Man was snoring and enjoying his sleep.

He was laying in a bed, having a sleep hat on, and was holding a piece of wood in his sleep.

He was mumbling "Pine", "Cedar", and such Things.

But then, the sleep of our dear David was interrupted by our other dear Counselor, Gwen, slamming the door of the Counselor Cabin open.

"Goooood morning, David!" She yelled, having sparkles in her eyes, which isn't really normal when it comes to her.

David immediatly jumped out of the bed, giving his fellow Co-Counselour a Salute, also having Sparkles in his eyes. "Goood morning, Gwen!"

But then, he noticed that this wasn't normal for Gwen. "Wait- This feels backwards...?"

Gwen walked over to David, holding some certain Paper in her hands. "Yep! But today's the day!"

David gasped, the sparkles in his eyes returning. "You've realized your love of Camp Campbell and everything it stands for?!"

ON HOLD| EDITING | "A smile doesn't suit you" | A Max X Fem!Reader Story | Where stories live. Discover now