C H A P T E R 7

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Chapter 7.

Episode: Romeo & Juliet ||: Love Resurrected.

Currently, you have a small crown, a knife, and the Price for the best Camp Counselor.

Hope you enjoy!



Camp Campbell.

Day 7.

It was a "normal" Evening at Camp Campbell.

Currently, most of the campers were sitting on benches in front of the Theatre.

Today was the day of a Show, made by Preston.

David went onto the stage, cheerful as ever.

"Ok, campers. Quiet down, everyone please." He started.

Noticing that the Campers didn't stop talking made him frown.

"Please, the Theater demands your utmost respect-" But at the end, he got interrupted.

Gwen popped into the picture, a Megaphone in her hand.

"SHUT YOUR YAPS, IT'S TIME FOR THE PLAY!" She yelled, scaring David in the process.

The Campers shut up, quite suprised by Gwen.

David coughed a bit, whispering to Gwen.

"Ahem, thank you Gwen."

She once again pulled out the Megaphone.


She then left the stage, David letting out a nervous giggle.

David then turned his attention back to the audience.

"Tonight's presentation is brought to you by Theater camp's very own: Preston Goodplay!"

The people in the audience just gave unexciting clapping, most people even rolling their eyes.

"Thank you! Thank you!" Preston said, bowing while coming to the stage. "It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to tonight's production. Written and directed, of course, by me. It is a classic tale of forbidden love, betrayal, and friendship. So without further ado I present to you: Romeo and Juliet ||: Love Ressurrected!"

He then walked off the stage, bowing once again, while there was weak applause.

Cue the Intro Song!

Behind the stage were our famous Main Characters, Neil, Max, Nikki and Y/N.

They were all dressed in Costumes, well, all except for Y/N.

ON HOLD| EDITING | "A smile doesn't suit you" | A Max X Fem!Reader Story | Where stories live. Discover now