C H A P T E R 4

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Chapter 4.

Episode: Camp Cool Kidz.

Currently, your only item is a small crown.

Hope you enjoy!



Camp Campbell.

Day 4.

Currently, all campers were inside the Mess Hall, cleaning.

Our infamous Main Characters were scrubbing the floor with tooth brushes, all of them with frowns on their faces and some were even muttering (ehem, Max).

"This sucks." Max started, seizing his mumbling in the meantime. "This is the kind of peasent work my parents left their home country to avoid."

"Yeah. I don't get the point. What good is rolling qround the floor if it's CLEAN?" Nikki asked in disbelief.

"This isn't even part of a sanctioned camp activity. This is child labor!" The nerdy boy joined in as well, throwing his arms into the air to show his point.

"First we all get scammed and now we have to clean the fucking floor, awesome!" Y/N muttered, gritting her teeth as she huffed in disbelief.

The trio

While the kids were ranting about how shitty this kind of 'activity' was, Ered, aka. known as the cool kid in this game, walked by and leaned onto the wall, obviously not doing anything.

Nikki broke away from the conversation with her friends and looked at her in admiration.

"Man, Ered never gets yelled at for not working. She's just too cool. I wish I was her." She exclaimed as her eyes sparkled at the sight of the older girl.

"Arid? Like a dry desert climate?" Neil asked her with a tilt of his head.

Nikki raised a finger to her chin, thinking about it. "I think her real name is Meredith, but she's just so fricking cool, she goes by the middle part of her Name. Ooh, I wonder if I should try that...'Ikk'. Ooo yeah!" She snapped her fingers as if she got the most brilliant idea ever.

"That's fucking stupid, nicknames don't make you cool." Max rolled his eyes as he gained the motivation to join the conversation again.

"Yeah, I agree, but I also think Ered is kind of cool. She just has a certain vibe which I like."    Y/N shrugged as she looked at the oldest girl with a slight smile on her lips. You know that feeling when you want to befriend someone but you're too afraid? Yeah, she was feeling that right now.

Nikki ▲

Max ▼

"Pssh, spoken like a true first-part nicknamer." Nikki huffed in amusement as she referred to Max's comment

ON HOLD| EDITING | "A smile doesn't suit you" | A Max X Fem!Reader Story | Where stories live. Discover now