C H A P T E R 29

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Chapter 29.

Episode: Nikki's last day on earth.

Info: There will be some added scenes. There will also be an authors note, please read that. It's important.

Currently, you have a Mini Crown, a Knife, the Price for the best Counselor, the Wifi Badge from the Flowerscouts, a Warrior Sword, and Medicine!

Hope you enjoy!



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Hi everyone!

Once again, I'm sorry that I'm not updating that much.

My life is very stressful currently, and I actually can only work on this book on the weekend.

So, I wanted to ask you Guys something.

I know that this book can be confusing, and I want to change that.

What things are confusing for you guys? What should I explain more? Is there lack of an character arc?

Things like that.

But please know that I won't answer a question if it's answer is a huge spoiler.

Warning for that side, you guys really got a huge storm coming towards you all.

That's all from me, see you all!


Camp Campbell.

Day 29.

A peaceful day...

Y/N was, once again, by Max's side. And to be honest, that doesn't seem like a surprise anymore, does it?

And, like always, the two kids were trying to find something interesting.

"Hey, today is movie day, right?" Y/N spoke up, glancing at her friend with a light smile.

He looked at them, hands in his hoodie pockets. "Yep. But don't get your hopes up. We both know that we'll watch a childish movie."

Y/N nodded at that. "Yeah. But maybe Gwen can get her choice through this time?"

"Who knows." He answered, looking away again.

Ah, you're probably wondering why they seem so natural towards each other.

Well, even tho they just recently confessed, that doesn't mean they won't act like best friends anymore.

Plus, they aren't even together yet. But it would be no surprise if they would be, soon.

ON HOLD| EDITING | "A smile doesn't suit you" | A Max X Fem!Reader Story | Where stories live. Discover now