C H A P T E R 3

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Chapter 3.

Episode: Scout's Dishonor

Currenty, you're only item is a small crown.

Hope you enjoy!



Camp Campbell.

Day 3.

It was a nice evening at Camp Campbell. The lights were out everywhere, the campers were already in their tents, and everything was nice and quiet.

Well, some fellows were still awake. For example, David! He exited the Mess Hall with a lantern in his hand.

"Ah... another wonderful day at Camp Campbell. All that's left to do now is recharge with a full eight hours of lying in bed. Awake! Waiting for tomorrow." He smiled and walked away to his cabin.

In the background, four kids could be seen running to the lake.

Once they arrived, sighs of relief were let out. And huffs were heard. Some panted for air. The leader of them all, Max, started speaking.

"Alright guys, our first attempt to bust out of this god-forsaken hellhole didn't work. But tonight's gonna be different. Because we have a secret weapon..." Max looked behind himself, where an unkown boy was standing, probably a bit older than the group.

"Billy Nikssilp."

The boy, Billy, took the candy cane out of his mouth. "Call me Snake."

"He's Ex-Woodscouts. And he's one of the best. Isn't that right, Billy?" Max turned to Billy with crossed arms and a smug look, waiting for him to confirm his 'knowledge'.

He bit off of his candy cane. "Got my search-and-rescue badge in two weeks. Got my wilderness survival in one."

"Admirable." Y/N praised, amazed, while looking at Snake with a smile.

"That's amazing!" Nikki jumped up and down. It was noticeable that she got more motivated after seeing Billy. I mean, it made sense, since he was so experienced, he would improve their chances of running away.

"I never had a choice." Snake told them with a huff, biting off a piece of his candy cane once again.

"The Woodscouts are some of the most intense, militant campers on Lake Lilac. Billy here escaped." Max interrupted the little interaction between Y/N, Nikki and Snake.

"Holy crap Dude. That sounds awesome!" Y/N clapped their hands together, once again amazed at how badass that Snake dude seemed to be.

"... And why is he helping us?" Neil questioned, hesitation radiating off of him.

Honestly, Y/N get where he was coming from and then started doubting Snake too.

"I'm not doing this for YOU. I made a vow." Snake stopped.

The crickets just made the following silence more awkward, but Neil decided to break it.

"...Well o-kay, let's get in the boat!"


They were now on the boat which Snake had brought with him, sailing on Lake Lilac.

The night sky was beautiful, and Y/N just stared at the stars with fascination, while Neil and Nikki held a conversation.

"So...what're you gonna do on the outside?" Neil asked the girl next to him.

ON HOLD| EDITING | "A smile doesn't suit you" | A Max X Fem!Reader Story | Where stories live. Discover now