C H A P T E R 20

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Chapter 20.

Episode: Gwen gets a Job.

Info: There will be many added scenes in this Chapter, and there won't be much of the original episode.

Currently, you have a Mini Crown, a Knife, the Price for the best Counselor, and the Wifi Badge from the Flowerscouts.

Hope you enjoy!



Camp Campbell.

Day 20.

Currently, Gwen was in the city, in a tall buidling.

She was sitting across a Manager, having a Job Interview.

"So, tell me Gina." The Manager looked at Gwen.

"Oh, aha, actually, it's Gwen-" She awkwardly laughed, before getting interrupted.

"-With so many other good candidates...Why should we hire you?"

Gwen coughed, getting nervous. "Um...okay, well, you see, I..."


That failed, so Gwen was now at a different Job Application.

"So, tell me, Gidget..." The other Manager started.

"It's, uh-" Gwen wanted to correct her, but got interrupted once again.

"What would you say is your biggest weakness...that's actually a strength?" The Manager asked, lifting the list. "One that we can exploit?"

"What?" Gwen asked.


Aaaand that attempt failed too.

She was now at her third job application.

"So, tell me, Gustava..." The Manager started.

Gwen silently groaned. "For Fuck's sake-"

"Where do you see yourself in five years, and why aren't you there yet?"


"How overly under qualified for this job would you say you aren't?" Job Application 4.

"What's the most obnoxious interview question we could ask that would trigger your wirst anxieties?" Job Application 5.

"NOT ENOUGH REFERENCES." Job Application 6.


ON HOLD| EDITING | "A smile doesn't suit you" | A Max X Fem!Reader Story | Where stories live. Discover now