C H A P T E R 6

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Chapter 6.

Episode:  Reigny day.

Currently, you have a mini crown and a knife.

Hope you enjoy!



Important Infos!

Y/N can learn certain Infos, which can help her.

If she'll ever need the info, she can just get it from her notebook.

Her notebook is full of important Infos, which can be used later.

By the way, maybe the Infos could help to make a realtionship of Y/N better... ?


Camp Campbell.

Day 6.

Today, everyone was in the Mess Hall.

The Camp Critic Committee, which is, as the name says, a committee that critics Camps / Camp Counselors, was here to judge David.

"We're so happy to have you here today!" David said to them with a smile. "It's such an honor to have the Camp Critic Committee visit us again. You know, after last years incident."

Y/N sat on a bench and raised her head up from her board game that she was playing with herself. "Incident?" She mumbled, as she tilted her head.

"Which I really want to apologize for that again, and if you were wondering, yes, the camper did survive, physically speaking."

Even though David mumbled that to the Committee, Y/N overheard it once again. Honestly, Y/N felt like a detective.

"What the fuck..." But she then got an idea and grabbed her notebook.

"Once again, I have earned some blackmail...At least I can get one of my consoles back..." Y/N thought as she scribbled the info onto her notebook, smiling at the thought if getting back a console.

"But, a lot has changed since then!" David continued, now his energetic self again. "And I think that this year you will see that I am truly, without a doubt, the prime candidate for the 'Camp Counselor of the Year' award!"

The Committee continued looking at him for a short while, and then wrote something down on their paper.

"Right...well, we've got a big day of outdoor activities planned, but as you know, the most important start of any day is a balanced breakfast!" David continued as he swayed on his feet, excited for the day.

ON HOLD| EDITING | "A smile doesn't suit you" | A Max X Fem!Reader Story | Where stories live. Discover now