C H A P T E R 27

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Chapter 27.

Episode: Ered gets her cool back.

Info: This chapter is dedicated to YourOfficialFather! I hope you have a great Birthday!

And, since I didn't upload for like a week or more, here is a chapter with 4719 words!

Currently, you have a Mini Crown, a Knife, the Price for the best Counselor, the Wifi Badge from the Flowerscouts, a Warrior Sword, and Medicine!

Hope you enjoy!



Important Info!

The Day, like now, Day 27, always represents a day which has an important story. That doesn't mean that it's only been 27 days in which Nikki, Neil, and Y/N have been in Camp Campbell, it's been longer than that. It's just the 27th day that is presented to you.


Camp Campbell.

Day 27.

A fresh new day at Camp Campbell.

Y/N stood in the lunch line, getting her mashed potatoes.

She sighed, growing sick of the same meal every day.

But, her thoughts were interrupted by a familiar whistle.

She turned around, seeing Nikki and Neil waving her over. They stood a few meters away from Max's table.

Y/N smiled, before walking over to her friends.

The three then sat down at Max's table, and Nikki broke through the silence.

"What do you think today's adventure gonna be?" She asked the black haired boy. "I'm hoping for a wild animal attack!"

"We just had one of those last week." Neil reminded the girl, poking at his mashed potatoes with his fork. "At this point, it's more out of the ordinary when nobody gets mauled."

"True." Y/N agreed, pointing at her nerdy friend with her fork. "To be honest, I still don't get how Space Kid got out of it without any injuries! It would've been nice to not have any activities, because David and Gwen would've been busy with helping Space Kid..." The Girl sighed, crossing her arms.

"I'll live on in all of your hearts!" Space Kid's voice called out from behind them.

"I saw Nurf trying to learn how to play a broken xylophone yesterday." Max spoke up, pointing at the mentioned boy's direction. "That's bound to go somewhere."

Y/N wasn't even bothered to look at the scenario, since she knew that it was the typical thing of him bullying Preston.

"That's...something interesting, I guess." Y/N pushed her tray away from herself. "But it's still getting so boring seeing Nurf bully Preston all the damn time!"

ON HOLD| EDITING | "A smile doesn't suit you" | A Max X Fem!Reader Story | Where stories live. Discover now