C H A P T E R 21

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Chapter 21.

Episode: Eggs benefits.

Currently, you have a Mini Crown, a Knife, the Price for the best Counselor, and the Wifi Badge from the Flowerscouts.

Hope you enjoy!



Camp Campbell.

Day 21.

The Quartett was laying on the grass in front of the lake, enjoying their Saturday.

Max sighed in relaxation. "I love Saturdays. No scheduled activities. No annoying campers. And best of all, no David or Gwen telling us what to do." He then put on a pair of black sunglasses, and then laid back onto the ground.

"Yeah, I hate it when they do that." Nikki added, frowning. "If I hear them say 'Nikki, get down from there' or 'Nikki don't eat that bug' or 'Nokki that's an endangered-species' ONE MORE TIME." She then growled.

"Yeah, but I think we can all agree to the statement that Saturdays are great. Just doing random shit without anyone telling you what exactly you have to do is awesome." Y/N smiled, looking at the sky

"It's just nice to have a break from all the weird hijinks and eacky adventures. I almost don't mind being outside." He then took a deep breath, and accidentally breathed in a fly, and started choking.

Y/N, who was next to him, sat up, and clapped onto his back, the fly coming out of his mouth again.

Neil ▲

"...Almost." Neil said after calming down a bit.

"Oh sure, YOU get to eat all the bugs you want." Nikki frowned.

"Nikki, he literally CHOKED on it!" Y/N told the girl, frowning a bit.

Neil then looked to the side, seeing an egg there. "Hmm. That's queer."

Max sat up, looking at Neil. "Don't say that, Neil."

Neil lifted the egg off the ground, looking at it in wonder. "Where did this egg come from?"

Nikki and Y/N looked at the egg.

"A chicken?" Nikki asked, raising an eyebrow. "Or does the egg come first?"

Max layed down again. "Who cares? It's just an egg."

Nikki then pointed towards something. "Look! There's another!" And then she saw many more eggs. "And another! It's an egg trail!"

Max sat up again, pushing the sunglasses a bit down so he could glare at his group. "Guys! Don't mess with it. It's probably something that will trigger a series of events that will, on the whole, be an interesting and comedic adventure, but ultimately waste our Saturday."

ON HOLD| EDITING | "A smile doesn't suit you" | A Max X Fem!Reader Story | Where stories live. Discover now