C H A P T E R 5

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Chapter 5.

Episode: Journey to Spooky Island.

Currently, you have a mini crown and a knife.

Hope you enjoy!



Camp Campbell.

Day 5.

It was night.

A few campers and the two counselors were sitting around a campfire, telling each other "spooky stories". Honestly, most of them were just dramatic and therefore, unfunny.

Currently, it was David's turn.

And, obviously, his story wasn't spooky at all. I mean, what did you expect.. it's David?

"The thing drew closer, with it's inhuman breathing, and claws clicking against the floor with each step..." David tried to make it seem more scarier with hand gestures, which obviously didn't make it better for anyone present.

Y/N was currently regretting all her life choices and was mad at herself for even agreeing to do this in the first place as she sat on a log, her knees pulled up to her chest while she wrapped her arms around them.

"Desperately, the young boy pulled the sheet of the creature to reveal..."

"Oh boy, here it goes." Y/N mumbled as she sighed and put her legs back onto the ground, crossing her arms in the process.

"THE DOG THAT GOT TANGLED UP IN HIS LAUNDRY!" David yelled and sprung up from the log.



David was a bit offended and decided to do some weird poses instead. The kids + Gwen were just unimpressed.

"And THAT'S why you should always properly fold and put away your laundry." Even after getting booed, the enthusiastic man still ended his story with a smile on his face.

Y/N sighed. She didn't know if she should be impressed by his creativity to even come up with this story, or just cry herself to sleep while thinking about how dumb David was.

"Seriously, David? We aren't tiny little kids anymore, this doesn't scare us." Y/N said to the tall man with a frown on her face.

The trio

Gwen ▲

Space Kid ▲

"Well, uh, it was scary when it happened to me. I was VERY innocent and impressionable back then!" David retaliated as he crossed his arms and looked away bashfully.

ON HOLD| EDITING | "A smile doesn't suit you" | A Max X Fem!Reader Story | Where stories live. Discover now