C H A P T E R 25

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Chapter 25.

Welcome to the last episode of Season 2!

Episode: Culture Day.

Info: There will be some added scenes in this Chapter. And I'm sorry if I won't update much this week. It's the last week of School for me, and my Birthday is coming up, so I need to prepare some stuff for it.

Hope you enjoy!



Camp Campbell.

Day 25.

Culture Day, a day where the kids tell stuff about their race, religion, or anything else that is similar to the mentioned topics.

The kids all stood by the activities field, standing by their presentations, which stood on boxes.

Y/N stood by her own box.

She didn't decorate it too much, since she was busy doing something else... *cough* sleeping, eating and playing games *cough*.

She wasn't exactly paying attention on when David and Gwen arrived to look at the different stories of the campers.

"Campers, I have to say I'm a little disappointed." David's voice spoke up, making Y/N turn to look at them.

"It's too early to get scolded, David."

"None of you took culture day seriously! I might just have to cancel the feast of flavors from around the world and only serve plain old hot dogs instead."

And all campers just started cheering.

"I'm...kind of confused on how you can find the idea of hot dogs better than traditional food from around the world. Wouldn't Pizza also be a part of it?"

Then, most kids noticed how David praised Neil's box full of jewish stuff, and they walked over to it.

"What the fuck are you wearing?" Max asked, who was now next to the taller boy.

Nerris spoke up, holding the Torah in her hand. "Cool! What's this big book of spells?" She then flipped through it, but Neil grabbed it from her.

"That's the Torah!"

"What's this weird shaped lamp?" Nikki asked, grabbing Max's face, and pushed him away from his place, so she could stand there.

"It's a menorah, it holds the Hanukkah candles!" Neil responded.

"What is a...Hanukkah?" Space Kid asked.

"Do you...really want to know?" Neil asked, suprised from the attention that he was getting.

"Yeah! It sounds cool, amd flammable!" Nikki replied, holding the menorah higher into the air.

ON HOLD| EDITING | "A smile doesn't suit you" | A Max X Fem!Reader Story | Where stories live. Discover now