C H A P T E R 23

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Chapter 23.

Episode: Cookin' Cookies.

Info: There will be almost nothing of the original episode, since the Trio is just present in one scene. And, the chapter will only have around 2000 words, so it's shorter than usual. Sorry.

Currently, you have a Mini Crown, a Knife, the Price for the best Counselor, and the Wifi Badge from the Flowerscouts.

Hope you enjoy!



Camp Campbell.

Day 23.

It was very early, around 6 or 7 AM.

The Quartett sat in the Mess Hall, eating their breakfast.

"Why are they up so early?" you may ask.

Well, they didn't want to get annoyed by all the other campers, so they just decided to break into the Mess Hall and eat early.

Y/N poked at her food with her fork, sighing.

"God, I'm so bored... and I'm not tired anymore." She muttered, slamming the fork down, making her friends turn to her.

Y/N looked at them too. "Do you have any ideas on what we could do?"

Nikki raised her hand, eyes sparkling. "Oh! Oh! We could try to poison the food for lunch!"

Max groaned. "Nikki, we already did that a few days ago."

Y/N sighed, before looking at Neil. "Do you have an idea?"

Neil out his hand on his chin, wondering. "How about we watch some movies?"

Nikki groaned, putting her head in the table. "We do that so often! I wanna do something new!"

Y/N sighed, before standing up. "I'm gonna go to take a walk. Just tell me when you guys get an idea."

She then walked out of the Mess Hall, and the others starred at her dissappearing figure, and continued discussing.


Y/N walked to the forest, sitting down and leaning against a tree.

She was looking up at the sky, the sun already lighting it up.

At morning like these, it was always quite relaxing.

The silence was a great friend in this scenario, and the sky just looked beautiful.

Even tho having friends to hang out with can be cool, Y/N also loved being alone.

"Yo, Y/N." A voice called from the side, making her look up.

"Argh, I talked too soon."

ON HOLD| EDITING | "A smile doesn't suit you" | A Max X Fem!Reader Story | Where stories live. Discover now