C H A P T E R 9

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Chapter 9

Episode: David gets Hard.

Currently, you have a Mini Crown, a knife, and the Price for the best Counselor

Hope you enjoy!



Camp Campbell.

Day 9.

Another Day at the most boring Camp ever.

Our campers were standing in front of the Mess Hall, with the Counselors in front of them.

Gwen had a list in her hands, staring at David, who was starting to talk.

"T-G-I-F, kiddos! Boy has it been a week!" David started.

"Monday we went base jumping for Ered's Extreme Sports Camp," The camera angle switched to Ered having a Cast around her whole body, and she was sitting in a wheelchair.

"How can she be so calm while her whole body is broken?" Y/N thought with an raised eyebrow.

"Tuesday we froze Harrison alive for Magic Camp," The View changed to Nerris trying to get Harrsion out of the Ice with a knife. Both had terrified looks on their faces. But then Nerris broke Harrison's arm off.

"I can fix that." Nerris said.

"Sorry dear, but only the Author can fix that." Y/N thought.

The Camera view changed once again. It showed Preston standing on a pedastal, and Dolph drawing him. Well, actually he was drawing Superman. "Wednesday was a double-whammy for Arts and Perfomance!"

Dolph looked up at Preston. "Do not move a muscle." He told him in a sinister tone.

"Fucking Hitler Rip-off." Y/N shook her head at the thought.

The Camera view changed to a Boy who had a Red nose, like a clown, holding some gag things with boxes in front of him. "And all of these hilarious props and gags are courtesy of Thursday's Visual Comedy Camp!"

"Who the fuck is that? The Narrator never introduced that Boy before." Y/N crossed the arms.

It was then shown how Max walked over to the Boy, a frown on his face like always.

The boy who's name was never mentioned before, honked the Toy.

"Thursday's over, Scotty. Go back to your Tent." Max told the Boy.

"Okay thanks Narrator." Y/N ended her own conversation of Thoughts.

Scotty let out an Sad toy horn honk.

ON HOLD| EDITING | "A smile doesn't suit you" | A Max X Fem!Reader Story | Where stories live. Discover now