C H A P T E R 16

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Chapter 16.

Episode: Jermy Fartz

Currently, you have a Mini Crown, a Knife, the Price for the best Counselor, and the Wifi Badge of the Flowerscouts.

Hope you enjoy!




Authors Note. Important, please read!

Hey everyone.

Sorry that it took me so long to update, I'm currently having some mental problems.

So, I wanted to ask you Guys:

Since next Chapter is the explanation of how David turned to a Camper that loved Camp Campbell: Should I follow the whole episode, which means that there won't be much action of the Quartett, or i'll make the explanation fast and add some other new stuff.

Please give me some Ideas, I'm not sure what to do lol.


Camp Campbell.

Day 16.

Another Day at Camp Campbell.

Currently, Nikki, Neil, and Max were playing a game of Frisbee against the Woodscouts.

Where's Y/N you might ask? Well, the Woodscouts said that it wouldn't be fair if Camp Campbell had 4 campers to play with, while the Woodscouts only 3, so Y/N just watched.

"Now's our Chance, Neil! Go long!" Nikki yelled, throwing the Frisbee towards Neil, before getting tackled by Snake.

Y/N watched intensely, clearly hoping that her Friends wouldn't lose.

Neil ran towards the direction of where the Frisbee was flying too, Petrol following him. But, unlucky him, he got hit in the face by the frisbee before he could grab it.

But still, the Frisbee continued flying, and Max catched it, uninterested as always.

The Quartermaster blew the airhorn. "Camp Campbell wins."

Camp Campbell's side cheered, while the Woodscouts frowned in defeat.

Y/N walked over to Nikki. "You were great as always!"

Nikki ▲

Nikki smiled at her. "Thanks, Y/N!"

Pikeman fell to his knees, making everyone turn to him. "Curses! Foiled again! Our plan to use Africanized honeybees was supposed to be foolproof!"

ON HOLD| EDITING | "A smile doesn't suit you" | A Max X Fem!Reader Story | Where stories live. Discover now