C H A P T E R 28

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Chapter 28.

Episode: Foreign Exchange Campers.

Info: There will be some added scenes in this chapter.

Currently, you have a Mini Crown, a Knife, the Price for the best Counselor, the Wifi badge from the Flowerscouts, a Warrior Sword, and Medicine!

Hope you enjoy!



Question (please read!)

So, I wanted to ask you guys something.

Since we're already in episode 3 of Season 3, I wanted to ask if you guys would like me to do Season 4 too.

Like, do you want the endings after Season 3, or after Season 4? It's your choice.

And remember...

Your answer will be important to the fate of all the characters. You're the player after all.


Camp Campbell.

Day 28.

Another new day at Camp Campbell.

The main Quartett stood outside of the Mess Hall, the Counselors with them.

Y/N whiped the sweat away from her forehead, before sighing.

"I'm gonna die outside here! Can someone give me some ice?!" Y/N now shook her hands towards herself, so the air would get colder, and it would fly towards her face.

But the other three kids ignored her, suffering with her silently.

Nikki panted. "I can't take this heat anymore! My skin is MELTING!"

"That's called perspiration and it's unbefitting of a scientist." Neil remarked.

"Neil, no one cares about science in this shitty heat!" Y/N glared at the nerd next to her.

Neil ▼

"This is the worst! It's way too hot to be standing out here." Max whiped the sweat away from his forehead.

"The only thing I'm hot for is another exciting day of camp!" David added, saluting with a bright smile.

"I was wrong. NOW it's the worst." Max glared at literally nothing.

Y/N turned to look at Max. "Y'know that you could take your hoodie off, right?"

"Nope. Forget that idea right now." Max pointed at her with a slight glare.

ON HOLD| EDITING | "A smile doesn't suit you" | A Max X Fem!Reader Story | Where stories live. Discover now