C H A P T E R 31

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Chapter 31.

Episode: The Lake Lilac Summer Social.

Info: I'm not gonna say too much of why I left for so long, since it makes me uncomfortable to talk about it very openly, but let's just say some bad things happened and I lost my motivation to write. So don't be afraid, the book isn't finished yet.

Currently, you have a Mini Crown, a Knife, the Price for the best Counselor, the Wifi Badge from the Flowerscouts, a Warrior Sword, and Medicine!

Hope you enjoy!


Camp Campbell.

Day 31.

Ah yes, the Lake Lilac Summer Social.

A party where the three camps around Lake Lilac meet in the Mess Hall of Camp Campbell.

Let's just say, it was a boring event.

And that was evident in the faces of the campers.

The hall was filled with music, two tables standing on each side of the room with food in it.

Even tho it didn't really help to lift the mood, some people seemed to like to eat the snacks.

Like Y/N, for example.

She stood against a wall, eating some of her favourite snacks.

And then there were people like Max, who just wanted to perish.

Max, who was standing next to Y/N, muttered some things while holding a cup.

"God, I hope someone spiked the punch." Which made Y/N just lightly smile at his response to the party.

Cue the Intro Song!

Neil, who decided to join Max and Y/N, grabbed a cup of punch too.

It was an awkward atmosphere, none of the three really daring to say anything.

Luckily, Nikki decided to walk over to the trio, holding a plate in her hand.

"Well, I ate two of everything at the snack table. Want to call it a night?" She asked, the crumbs of the snacks surrounding her mouth.

Before any of them got a chance to respond, David and Gwen walked over, both with content smiles.

"Call it a night?" David didn't seem to like the sound of that. "But the Lake Lilac Summer Social only comes once a year!"

Even Gwen chimed in. "Yeah, to be honest, I really thought you kids would LIKE this sort of thing. Dances give you a chance to cut loose. Party! Maybe even find a summer crush!" She wiggled her eyebrows at the end, which almost made Y/N gag.

"Thank you, but no thank you. You would probably write a fanfiction about the two poor souls who fell in love. Damn vampire romance..." Y/N rolled her eyes, taking another bite out of her snack.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2022 ⏰

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ON HOLD| EDITING | "A smile doesn't suit you" | A Max X Fem!Reader Story | Where stories live. Discover now