C H A P T E R 24

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Chapter 24.

Episode: Parents Day.

Info: There is a added scene in this chapter.
Oh, and my hand hurts now. This chapter had almost 5000 words ;-; Help me.

Currently, you have a Mini Crown, a Knife, the Price for the best Counselor, the Wifi Badge from the Flowerscouts, and a Warrior Sword.

Hope you enjoy!



Camp Campbell.

Day 24.

It was a fresh new day at Camp Campbell.

The kids stood in front of the Mess Hall, since David wanted to announce something.

"Can you believe it, kids?" He asked, hyper. "Today's the day!"

Nikki raised her arms in the air. "Christmaaaaaas!"

David face-palmed. "What? No- Nikki. It's Parents Day."

"We put up flyers this time and everything." Gwen told them, and that was true, since the Mess Hall's front was literally covered in Flyers.

"It's suprising that I actually noticed them just days ago..." Y/N thought, crossing her arms.

"Oh." Nikki seemed suprised. "Why did I think it was Christmas?"

"So wait, our parents are showing up here? Today?!" Neil asked, not wanting this to happen.

"You betcha!" David responded, a huge smile on his face. "We'll get to show off everything you've learned so far this summer, and even take part in some fun activities together as a family! How fun is that?"

"That is extremely dependent on which one of my parents show up." Neil frowned, hoping that it wouldn't be his dad.

"Well, you losers enjoy your family bonding," Max said to them, making Y/N frown and rub her arm. "because there's no way my folks are coming. Guess I get to kick back and relax."

He then pulled out David's phone. "Maybe I'll just order a pizza..."

Y/N sighed mentally. "At least I get to relax too."

But then, Mr. Campbell popped up next to David. "Did somebody say Christmas?"

"Santa!" Space Kid yelled, making Y/N rub her eyebrows in frustration.

"I'm gonna get a fucking headache. I shouldn't have stayed up this late..."

"Mr. Campbell, you're back!" David smiled, happy to see the founder of the camp.

"Back?! Why, I've been here the whole time, Davey." Mr. Campbell laughed.

"But you went to Russia-" Gwen wanted to protest, but Mr. Campbell interrupted her. "The whole. Time."

"Well, that's perfect!" David spoke up, making the old man turn to him again. "Because you're just in time for Parent's day!"

ON HOLD| EDITING | "A smile doesn't suit you" | A Max X Fem!Reader Story | Where stories live. Discover now