C H A P T E R 30

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Chapter 30.

Episode: Dial M for Jasper.

Info: Most of the chapter will be with added scenes.

Currently, you have a Mini Crown, a Knife, the Prize for the best Counselor, the Wifi Badge from the Flowerscouts, a Warrior Sword, and Medicine!

Hope you enjoy!




Camp Campbell.

Day 30.

Who knew that summer could go by so quickly?

Well, we're still not done.

Nah uh, not even in the slightest.

So, it was a new morning at Camp Campbell.

Y/N sat at a table in the Mess Hall, drinking some coffee that Max had offered them, since she was pretty tired lately.

Y/N then heard three pairs of footsteps, and they approached her table.

They opened one eye, glancing at her friends.

"Good Morning, Y/N!" Nikki smiled widely, jumping up and down.

"Mornin', Nikki." They replied, taking a sip from the Cup that said "Nope". A real mood.

"What should we do today?" Neil asked, sitting across from Y/N, and putting his tray on the table.

Nikki sat next to her best friend. "Ooo! Ooo! How about we get some wild animals and let them fight against the Platypus! I wanna see the blood spill!"

Max sat down next to Neil, like always not having a tray with him. "Nah, that sounds boring."

"Everything for you is boring." Y/N remarked, putting the cup down.

"Can't argue with that." Max shrugged, glancing at them for a short time, before glancing back at the table.


Cue the Intro Song!


"What is wrong with David over there?" Y/N lifted a finger, pointing at the tall man, who was sitting at a table, a picture in his hand.

David was frowning, staring at the picture with a sad look.

Max followed the gaze of his crush, before raising an eyebrow. "I don't know, but that look is pretty unusual for him."

ON HOLD| EDITING | "A smile doesn't suit you" | A Max X Fem!Reader Story | Where stories live. Discover now