C H A P T E R 12

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Chapter 12.

Episode: The Order of the Sparrow

Currently, you have a Mini Crown, a Knife, and the Price for the best Counselor.

Once again, there will be extra scenes in this episode.

Hope you enjoy!



Camp Campbell.

Day 12.

Our dear Campers were standing in front of their tents, exhausted.

Everyone was yawning, trying their best to keep their eyes open.

No one wanted to be up this early, that was clear.

Max yawned, looking at his friends. "Why the hell are we up this early?"

Suddenly, an Arrow shot straight into the Campfire, which made everyone flinch and look at it.

"Camp Campbell campers!" A loud voice rang.

The kids turned to look at the person.

And of course, it was David.

He had some weird Headwear on, had three stripes on each of his cheeks, and he was shirtless. He also had a weird Sparrow in his hand.

In the background were Quartermaster and Gwen, who were also dressed up.

"Hau." David said while lifting his hand.

"....What? Is he on drugs or something?" Y/N asked the other kids next to her.

And Max just rubbed the Space between his eyebrows, letting out an annoyed sigh.

Cue the Intro song!

"I am sure you must be wondering who we are," David started, smiling brightly. "but have no fear. I-"

Max interrupted him. "David, what the fuck are you doing?"

"I am not David!" The man, who was definitely 'not' David, responded. "...though...if he were here he'd tell you to mind your language." He made a proud pose. "I am chief Squatting Bear."

Y/N raised an eyebrow at that. "Say what now?"

Space Kid then walked in front of our four main Characters. "Ooooh that's awesome!"

Neil pushed Space Kid onto the Floor, to which the Boy let out an "Oof".

"Gwen, why is David dressed like a turkey?" Nikki asked the Woman.

"Because he's fucking David, Nikki." Gwen responded, annoyed. "You've been here long enough to figure that out."

David leaned over to the Woman. "Gwen! Don't break Character!" He muttered to her, but the kids still could hear him clearly.

ON HOLD| EDITING | "A smile doesn't suit you" | A Max X Fem!Reader Story | Where stories live. Discover now