C H A P T E R 11

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Chapter 11.

Episode: Camporee

Currently, you have a Mini crown, a knife, and the Price for the best Counselor.

Hope you enjoy!



Camp Campbell.

Day 11.

A new day at Camp Campbell.

A fresh Morning.

One of our dear Protaginists, Max, slammed the door open, of the Mess Hall.

"Coffee! Black! Now!" He said while walking in.

But then, he noticed that the kids were just standing in a Line, but there didn't seem to be a Counselor anywhere near.

"Huh?" He said, suprised.

Nikki turned around, noticing Max. "Morning, Max!"

Y/N turned around after hearing Nikki greeting him. "Oh, hey."

"What the hell is going on?" The boy asked, walking towards his friends.

"Ah, again no "Good morning" from him. What did I even expect?" Y/N thought.

"We're in line for breakfast!" Neil responded.

"Thing is, no one is here to serve us Breakfast." Y/N continued, turning towards Nikki and Neil. "Why are we even still waiting?"

Max turned to Y/N. "Was just about to mention that." He then looked at all his friends again. "And no one thought to question anything?"

"'Course not. No one ever does." Y/N responded, shrugging her shoulders.

Suddenly, there was a loud Trumpet tune, which made the Kids cover their ears.

Our four Main Characters walked out of the Mess Hall, wanting to know where the sound was coming from.

Surprisingly, it was Cameron Campbell, but he wasn't alone.

At his side stood the Counselors, the Woodscouts, and the Flowerscouts.

"Good morning Children!" The man greeted the Kids. "Guess who's got two thumbs, diplomatic immunity and is here to host the annual Lake Lilac CAMPOREE!" He pointed at himself. "This guy!"

The kids just looked at him with shocked faces.

Nikki turned to look at her friends. "So do we get breakfast, or-"

Cue the Intro Song!

"The Lake Lilac Camporee is today!" Cameron Campbell started. The Quartermaster and the Counselours standing next to him. "And that means you little Rascals will be competing in a series of fifteen events! All of which will be submitted by the participating summer camps."

ON HOLD| EDITING | "A smile doesn't suit you" | A Max X Fem!Reader Story | Where stories live. Discover now