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Chapter 8

Episode: Into Town

Currently, you have a Mini Crown, a knife, and the Price for the best Counselor

Hope you enjoy!



Camp Campbell.

Day 8.

A fresh new day at Camp Campbell.

While Gwen was inside the Counslor Cabin, reading her Magazine, the Kids were outside, while ruining everything.

David walked inside the cabin, a sign on him which says: "CAMPER POWER! CAMPE DEEZ NUTS". He clearly looked tired and his hair even was on fire.

"What did I say?" Gwen didn't look up from her Magazine. "I said don't do fire safety Camp and political Camp in the same day. Unless you reeeaaally want it to turn into riot control camp." She continued with a monotone voice.

David just groaned.

"Go. Get out of here." Gwen commanded.

"What?" David asked with a raspy voice while turning to Gwen.

Gwen closed her Magazine. "You're not going to do anyone any good if you keep letting Max get to you like this. Take a break!" She said with Worry in her eyes. "I'll cover underwater basket weaving tomorrow."

Gwen threw the keys of the Car to David.

"Take the Campmobile and get outta dodge for a day. Reset!" She continued.

David just looked at her confused.

"What...should I do?" He asked her.

"How the hell should I know? Go into Town and do...whatever it is that you do to blow off steam before you kill someone." Gwen then continued reading.

"That's...not a bad idea." David said, now having a smile on his face.

He then walked out of the Cabin.

At the window, you could also see a head walking away too.

"You're still on fire, b-t-dubbs." Gwen called after David.

You could only hear a faint "Thank you." from David.


At the Mess Hall, Nikki, Neil and Y/N were talking to Space Kid.

Nikki and Y/N clearly weren't listening to the Conversation.

Nikki was even rolling her eyes.

"Ooh, fascinating!" Neil replied to Space Kid. "So if you park the ship at a Lagrange point then the combined gravitational-"

Neil then got interrupted by Max sliding over to them with a smile on his face.

"Neil, Nik, Y/N, let's go!" Max said, then walking away again.

ON HOLD| EDITING | "A smile doesn't suit you" | A Max X Fem!Reader Story | Where stories live. Discover now