C H A P T E R 14

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Chapter 14.

Episode: Anti-Social Network

You currently have a Mini Crown, a Knife, and the Price for the best Counselor!

Hope you enjoy!


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Hello everyone.

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Camp Campbell.

Day 14.

Today was "Mail Day". Everyone gets a Package from their Family.

Everyone was in the Mess Hall, waiting for their package to be given to them.

The Quartermaster had a Cart with him, that had all the Packages in it.

He started with Nerris, giving her the Package.

"Excelsior! The new expansion!" She had sparkles in her eyes.

The next Kid that got his Package was Nurf. Of course, it was a Knife. "Aw mom, you always manage to give me the best gifts....even from jail."

Now, it was Max' turn. He already seemed like he had low expectations of his gift from his parents.

He looked at the Post Card, on which was written: "Saw this. Thought of you. Your Parents."

He threw the Card away, then opening the Package.

It was another one of the Hoodies he was currently wearing. He grabbed the Hoodie, before speaking up. "Well, they know what I like." He then threw the hoodie away, still annoyed.

ON HOLD| EDITING | "A smile doesn't suit you" | A Max X Fem!Reader Story | Where stories live. Discover now