Chapter 7

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Kylas pov

I woke up still a little embarrassed about what happend last night. I went and got dressed into what Mike packed me.

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I guess he wants me to look depressed today

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I guess he wants me to look depressed today. I thought to myself as i jumped onto Jiggy to wake him up. "Kylaaaaaa why do you always do that" "because yo ass wont wake up any other way" i said as i got off of him. "Whatever" he said as he got up to get dressed. I went downstairs and ate some rainbow goldfish as i watched spongebob on the tv.

After 30 years Jiggy FINALLY came downstairs. "Took you long enough" i said putting the goldfish away. "Whatever. Anyways you gonna get your stuff" "your kicking me out huh" i said sarcasticly "wha- no you gotta go home today duhhh" he said as i went upstairs into his room and got my stuff. I couldn't carry everything by myself since the basket me made was pretty heavy.

 I couldn't carry everything by myself since the basket me made was pretty heavy

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Basically those two things in this thing^

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Basically those two things in this thing^

"JIGGY I NEED HELP" "OK COMING" i heard him yell as i also heard stairs. Soon enough he got upstairs and carried my bag of clothes and we took everything to his car before heading to school.

~at da schoolll~

We soon got to school and Jiggy put everything that was mine into Mikes car while i went over and bother the boys since Kiya and Aya were at state chapionships for the rest of the month.smh. "Hello children" i said as i walked over to them. I was next to Mike and i saw he was holding Vallyks hand but i just ignored it. The bell rang and me and Cohen went to homeroom and sat down and talked while we waited for class to start.


After class i saw Mike in the hall so I ran over and jumped onto his back because a bitch didnt feel like walking. He almost dropped me but he didnt. "Soo whats for lunch" i said while taking Mikes hat and putting it on. "I dont know its Your turn to buy it." "oop well im kinda broke" i said as i got off his back to sit at the table we were sitting at. "Well ill buy it then but you need to get a job" he said as he walked away. "Ill think about it."

~after school because im lazy✌~

I went up to my room and facetimed Jiggy because i was bored.




K-hey whats wrong

J-nothing im on the game right now and its really pissing me off

K-oh ok then


K-well im gonna start my homework but ill still be here.


~time skip~

K-hey umm do you know the answer to number 16


i kinda flinched when he yelled because i never get yelled at. I started to tear up so i just hung up the phone and called Mike even though he was in the same house as me.

M-why are you calling me we are in the same house

K c-can you c-come here

M-wait whats wrong. Never mind ill be there in a sec

~call ends~

A minute later Mike came in my room and saw me balling my eyes out. "Hey whats wrong" he said sitting next to me "Well i was doing my homework while facetiming Jiggy as he played his game and i asked him if he could help me with one of them and he just yelled at me and told me to shut up" i said still crying " its ok lets go get ice-cream" "ok" i said back to him as i got up. Mike always knew how to cheer me up and thats why i love him.


We got to the ice-cream place and there was also a small fair there too so me and Mike got our ice-cream and just hungout at the fair until it got dark. After a while we got in the car and i was pretty happy. "Feel better now" Mike said as he pulled out of the parking lot. "Yep i sure do" i said before yawning.

~at home~

I went inside and Mally was just sitting on the couch. "Where did you guys go" he said "well we had a brother sister day kinda" i said as i sat next to him. "Ohh so i see how it is. Im not your brother anymore" he said. I always referred to him as my brother because ive known him for so long. "No, you are we just didnt know you would wanna come" i said as i put my head on his shoulder "its fine i was just kidding. You seem tired" "im not *yawn* tired." i said as i closed my eyes.

~a while later~

Mally's pov.

I look at my shoulder and see Kyla asleep so i carried her upstairs after turning the tv off and layed her in her bed. I then went to my room and soon went to bed too.

A/n i was really tired as i made this so ill update sometime tomorrow. Also am i the only one who will wake up and decide to be nice to people for the day and everyone is being rude to me for WHATEVER reason. And then have the AUDACITY to call ME rude. Anyways thats how my day went. And its kinda sad that i find more mistakes in the authors note than i do in the actual story😳. Anyways goodnight or morning or afternoon. Whaever. Bye bye now. Kinda proofread😃👍

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