Chapter 34

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Kylas pov

I woke up to Mike and Mally yelling at each other, which is kinda normal now i guess.

i stretched a bit before getting up and going to my bathroom.

I brushed my teeth and washed my face before getting dressed.

I went downstairs and honestly ive never seen Mike or Mally this mad before

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I went downstairs and honestly ive never seen Mike or Mally this mad before.

They were literally screaming at each other and throwing things.


I didnt say anything to them about it though. Theres many things they could yell at me for right now and its too early for all that.

I grabbed an apple and my stuff before leaving the house.

I could tell it was gonna be a gold day from the sound

You know when you step outside and hear birds and its sunny with a nice breeze? thats how it was.

I stopped by the corner store to say hi to Diego then walked to school which wasnt too bad.

"KYLA" i heard as soon as i stepped into the building.

I knew it was Jiggy.

I continued walking until i got to my locker and was met by Bryce.

"Hey" i said putting my stuff in my locker

"Good morning." he said.

"It really is a good morning" i said with a calm sigh.

"Well it wont be. Your weird ex is coming" he said.

"And im not gonna say anything to him. Just gonna keep today simple and easy" i said.

"KYLA STOP IGNORING ME" he yelled as he ran up to me.

"You know one place he cant go?" i asked.

"where" bryce asked

"The old chemistry lab. He is banned from the room" i said.

"then lets go. Homeroom is boring anyways" Bryce said

"KYLA STOP" jiggy yelled as a big group of people stopped him since the bell rung.

Me and Bryce went into the room and sat down on the floor. I locked the door just so no teachers come in.

"So yesterday you said he wasnt an asshole?" he asked.

"Well he wasnt. He a really good person but after what he did i dont really wanna talk to him. But hes a good person. Always has been." i said.

"Well if hes such a good person why did he cheat?" he asked.

"He says that she forced him onto her. Which even if she did im over him.... i think"

"You think?"

"I mean. I wanna be, i should be. But i miss him being around... i guess i just miss being able to talk to someone. After we broke up my whole life has went downhill. My brother and Ayas brother argue, Aya is a bitch, Her brother is still there for me to talk to but him and my brother are always working now. I guess he was just good luck. Jiggy was around my whole life and ever since he left everything has just gone bad." i said.

"Yeah maybe he was good luck. Why dont you just see what he has to say and at least try and be friends?" he said.

"ive thought about it. Anyways whats your live life like?" i asked.

"Well, one girl claims im her childs father, another girl says Im hers when im not, Other one honestly i think i am her childs father cause that baby looks hella like me. Im more of a fuck and go type person, not really into relationships if im honest" he said.

"damn so you got 2 kids" i said.

"Possibly. The test come back after school." he said.

"I cant even imagine how mad my brother would be if i said im pregnant. I wouldnt be surprised if he kicked me out" i said.

"I mean. My mom is at work so much that i dont see her at all unless shes off and my dad left years ago so my mom kinda expected something like that to happen"

"My parents are dead and so are Aya and her brothers. Which is why i live with my brother and them. I mean i do miss them but living with my brother has gave me more life experiences." i said.

"Makes sense. But love isnt something i can really pay attention to. I dont have time to worry about someone else when i can barely keep myself out of trouble"

"Makes sence" i said.

"But honestly. Coming from a hoe, you should let him talk." he said.

I though for a second

"Your right"

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