Chapter 26

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two weeks later. (at home)

Kyla's pov

"Kyla wake up. You have school today" I sat up to see Mike standing at my door. "But it's online" "so you still have to log on" "I don't want to." "You have to. If I get a call saying your not logged on I'm taking your Ipad" "fine Mr. boss man"

He left the room so I got out of bed and got dressed

He left the room so I got out of bed and got dressed

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(not that purse and less jewlery)

I grabbed my laptop, sat at my desk and logged on.

"Kyla turn your camera on" the teacher said. I fixed my hair and turned my camera on.

"Can you change your shirt please" she asked. "No. I'm at home it doesn't matter" "it does. Now change your shirt" "no thank you" "then I'm calling your parents" "I don't have parents" "then I'm calling your guardian" "Go ahead. Actually I'll go get him."

I got up and went downstairs to see Mike on the couch. "My teacher needs you" I said "what did you do now"

He got up and we went upstairs and back to my room. "What do you need" he said to the teacher. "She needs to change her shirt" "why? what's wrong with the one she has on" "she's showing to much skin" " why does she have to have her camera on then" "so I know she is actually here" "and she's at home so it doesn't matter. everyone in our house is fine with her wearing mostly what she wants." "that's odd to say considering she lives with only boys" "wha- that's fucking weird and a no. Malichi is like a brother to her and would NEVER do anything like that, he has a sister who lives with us so she is NOT the only girl in the house. the only reason i would make her change is if we are going somewhere or if she's showing TOO MUCH skin. Plus there are about three boys that I can see CLEARLY don't have a shirt on and not saying anything to them are you? She's old enough to know what she wants to wear and what she's allowed to wear and if that's a problem then I can enroll her into a better, Non-sexist school then this one"

then he walked out of my room and I went to sit back at my desk.


"What's for lunch" I asked going down the stairs and to the kitchen. "I don't know. what do you want" "what at are my options" "well, your class starts again at 1:30 so you can go to that corner store and vet something, we have salad, fruit, and there might be some frozen pizzas in there" "Can you make Pizza" "sure. go ask if Aya, Jiggy and Mally want any" "ok sir"

i went up to Aya's room and she was still in class. "sis you want any pizza" I asked "yea." "ok"

then i went to Mally's room and he said the same thing, i went in Jiggy's room and he was also doing school. "heyy bub" I said sitting next to him in his bed. "hey. why was Mike yelling" "well he wasn't really yelling. But its because she was trying to make me change my shirt" "but we're at home" "that what he told her. there was also like three boys without a shirt and she was only telling me to change" "oh. well can you help me with this" "yea but do you want any pizza" "sure" "ok lettme go tell Mike then ill help you" "k"

I went downstairs and told Mike everyone wanted pizza then went back to Jigsters room. (for whatever reason Ikeep calling him that so deal with it)

"ok what do you need help with" i said as i sat back down "its for Mr.Willson" he said meaning the sex education teacher "his class is easy." "well not for the boys you girls have Ms.Cambridge" "it cant be that hard" "ok then. give me four ways a boner is caused" what? i don't know I'm not a boy" "well that's the only easy thing he taught us." "whatever. I'm a girl so I wont have to deal with that. now what's the question you needed help with" "well now that I think about it, you wouldn't know" "well than ask Mike or Mally. I'm pretty sure Mike took that class" "ok I will later" "No now so you don't loose point for turning it in late" "But I wanna cuddle" "Nope. not until your done with you work" "Fine, can I have a kiss" "Nope" "Please" "No" "you act like my mom" "No i just don't want you to fail" "what if i wanna fail" "then you never get kisses" "That's mean" "No its not, just do your work then" "fine but can you stay in here" "yea. imma go get our pizza first" "Ok"

I went downstairs and got two plates, one for me and one for him, and we each got three pieces or pizza. I went back up to his room and he wasn't there so I sat the food on the bed and waited for him.

"ROAR" he yelled scaring me half to death. "YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE" he was just laughing. "its not funny" I said in a sad tone "I'm sorry"" he said still laughing "your mean"

he came over and hugged me and i slapped his butt. "owww", he said "That's what you get" "ok now I gotta finish my work" "so now you wanna do it" "only because I want kisses" "fair enough"


Me and Jiggy were just playing on his Xbox while talking about random stuff. i was sitting on his lap and he was in his gaming chair.

"WHAT THE HELL MY SCREEN WAS FROZEN" I yelled throwing the controller "And I thought I raged alot" "shut up" "ok geez" "shut up" "hey, its ok. I'll let you win next time" he said before kissing my cheek. "ok fine" i got up and got the controller then sat it on the bed. "what's wrong" he said looking back at me. "i gotta use the bathroom" "oh ok"

i went into the bathroom and saw I started my period. I didn't have a pad oR tampon with me so the only solution was to ask Jiggy.


I herd the door open so I guess he went to find one, that is if he could find one. I waited for a while and he came back. "can you open the door" he asked "yea" I did as he asked and he handed me a pad then I locked the door back.

I put it on then washed my hands before leaving the bathroom. "can we go to bed now?" I asked "yea that's fine"

He turned off his Xbox then put both or the controllers on top of it before getting on his bed. I layed next to him and he cuddled up to me, "goodnight" he said kissing my forehead "night" I said before drifting off to sleep

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