Chapter 11

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Kylas pov

I woke up and Jiggy was cuddled up to me. I really didnt wanna wake him up so i wiggled my way out of his arms before going and getting dressed

 I really didnt wanna wake him up so i wiggled my way out of his arms before going and getting dressed

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what she wore^

I went downstairs and saw Mike and remebered what happend. He sat food out for me so i went and sat down. "Why you so dressed up" he asked me "because i can be" "well your not going anywhere today" "and why is that" "because your grounded" he said "ARE YOU SERIOUS" "once again dont raise your voice at me" he was trying to be calm but i saw in his eyes he wanted to yell at me. "UGH I HATE IT HERE. I HATE YOU" i was looking at Mike as i said that and he was going to to burst . "YOU KNOW WHAT. I DONT CARE IF YOU HATE ME. HATE ME ALL YOU WANT BUT ILL STILL BE YOUR BROTHER AND ILL STILL LOVE YOU BECAUSE YOU ARE MY SISTER" he yelled in my face and i was close to crying "I DONT KNOW WHY YOU HATE ME AFTER ALL IVE DONE FOR YOU. I BOUGHT A NICE HOUSE FOR US TO LIVE IN, I BOUGHT YOU A SHIT LOAD OF CLOTHES, SHOES, AND OTHER CRAP. EVERYTHING IN THIS HOUSE EITHER ME OR MALLY BOUGHT. SO GO AHEAD AND HATE ME BUT REMEBER THAT YOU HATE THE PERSON THAT GOT YOU TO WHERE YOU ARE NOW" he yelled that so loud that the whole world could heard it. I was crying because hes never got that mad before and i was scared. It not like he was wrong about what he said it just...i dont know. He went to his room and shut the door. I just layed my head on the table.

"Kyla you messed up there. Everything he said was true. So you need to apologize" Mally said rubbing back. "I know. I shouldn't have said that" i said as i sat up "ill go apologize" i got up and went to his room. He was sitting on his bed crying. I went over and hugged him before saying "Im sorry i shouldn't have said that. We both know i dont hate you. I was just mad at the moment and i didnt mean it" "its ok Kyla i shouldn't have grounded you" "wait so am i ungrounded" "yea sure" he said laughing "thank you thank you thank you" i said jumping up and down and he just laughed.


I was sitting on my bed cuddling with Jiggy when Mike came in the room. "Oh um Jiggy you mom called" he said "oh what'd she say" "she said that shes moving with you grandma and that you can go with her or stay with us" "oh just tell her ill stay with you guys and ill pick up my stuff later" Jiggy said "ight" Mike said as he left the room. "Jiggyyyyy" i said "whatttttt" "can we get foood" "sure c'mon" he said grabbing his keys. "Ok ill go tell Mike that we're leaving" i said walking out my room. I went downstairs and didnt see Mike but Mally was downstairs. "Ay wheres Mike" i asked him "oh he went to the store to get something for his room" "oh ok. Well me and Jiggy are leaving" "ight be back bye 9:00" "ok sir" i said as Jiggy walled downstairs and we went to the car. "Where you wanna eat" "umm Burger king" "ok and we can go get my stuff from my house after." he said pulling off.

~drive thruu~

"Hello welcome to Burger king what can i get you" the speaker said. The voice sounded filmier. "Umm a Kids meal. And a freezie" "ook a burger or nuggets" "a burger only ketchup" "ok pull up too the next window. And your total is 5.37" "ok thank you" Jiggy said as he started driving again. We got up to the window and i saw why the voice was so filmier. It was Vallyk. "Oh hey man " jiggy said to him "hey" He said as jiggy gave hime the money. "Ok heres the food" he said handing us a bag. "And um call me later i got good news for you guys" "ight i will" Jiggy said as we left and started the way to his house.

~in Jigsters house~

I got out the car and went inside. "MOTHER IM HOMEEE" i yelled "Hey Kyla" she said laughing. "Wheres Jiggy" she said as he walked through the door. "Oh hey son" she said "hey mom
im here to get my stuff." "ok well i put some boxes in your room for you. And i already packed some stuff" "ok"

~after they finished eating and packing~

We went home and i help Jiggy carry his stuff inside into the guest room because Mike said we couldn't share. Jiggy was putting his clothes up while i was putting up some curtains. And when we finished the room looked amazing.

 And when we finished the room looked amazing

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insted of baseball its gaming stuff

insted of baseball its gaming stuff

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I got kinda jealous but Mike said that tomorrow we can redecorate the rest of the rooms and i was excited. "Can we cuddle" I asked Jiggy because i was tired. "Yea c'mon" i jumped onto his bed and got under the covers. And cuddled up to him. He had the tv on so we were watching it but i was really tired so i just fell asleep.

A/n. Tbh idk what this is anymore. But Aya will be in the next Chapter.anyways bye bye now.

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