Chapter 22

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Day 1 in prison

Kyla's pov

The thing about Mike and Grounding people is that when I'm grounded or if Aya is grounded we can't leave the house, we have to stay in our room unless we have to eat, we can't have any deserts or snacks, and we aren't suppose to talk to anyone unless they come in our rooms. Mike is kinda strict when it comes to getting in trouble so I try and be good but it doesnt always work when Aya is begging me to do stuff with her.

Anyways I got dressed

And went downstairs for breakfast

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And went downstairs for breakfast.

"Day one in prison. How long is my sentence" I said sitting down at the table. "You got three years" Mike said. Which means three weeks. "Hmm what about for her" "She has four years" Mally said. "Wait how come she has less" Aya said. "Because I was told it was your idea to go in the first place" "fair enough"

We ate breakfast and went back to our rooms. I decided to just draw to pass time then I got bored. I went in the closet with Aya Then I called the boys group chat without the people who would tell Mike.


V-arent you guys grounded

A-yea but your not a snitch now are you

C-yea dont tell

D-Cohen why are you on here



K-im bored here

C-then go somewhere

K-im already grounded. I have three weeks

A-yea and I have four

C-why are they so strict

A&K- I dont know

V-yea Mike has always been strict in a way

D-he has

K-well we did didn't deserve almost a month

V-you didn't

D-i feel bad. Cohen only got a week

V-but Kobe said Kiya got a month

K-Cohen why are your parents so nice

D-because he doesnt normally do stuff like this so they went easy on him

A-but when me and Kyla first snuck out we got like two months

V-i really dont know why he is so strict. We used to ALWAYS sneak out

K-yea and I always caught him

A-and I would always catch Mally

C-Derek was to quiet. I never caught him

D-imma ninja

A&k&V&C-No your not. Your loud AF

D-damn. Rude

V-anyways I'm coming over later Kyla

K-oh why

V-i dont know. Mike told me too

A&k- ohh ok

D-yea. We should go

C-who is we

D-you and me before I tell mom

C-yea I'm out

K-ok byee

Everyone- Byeeee
~call ends~

"Ok now I'm bored" I said. I heard a knock at my door so I got up and opened it and it was Jiggy. "I- um- hi" I said. I'm pretty sure hes still mad at me. "Can we talk" "I dont know if I'm allowed" "it'll be quick" he came in my room and I shut the door. "So what did you wanna talk about" "Why did you go to that party. And in the clothes you were wearing. Were you trying to get the attention that you got" "i- um. I went to the party because I wanted to do something exciting with my life. And no I didn't want anything that happend to happen. I told him I had a boyfriend but he did it anyways and I couldn't get him to stop" "You sure. Because the way you made it sound made it sound lik-" "Jiggy I would never do that to you. Or anyone." "Yea whatever" he got up and left the room.

I went into the closet and Aya had a 😟 face. I went over and cried on her shoulder. "Why doesn't he believe me" "hes a boy. And your a bad bitch Sometimes they dont mix but they belong together" "your right. I'm a bad Bitch I dont cry over boys" I sat up and said. "I'm sneaking out again tonight " "why we are already in trouble" "because I need to get my mind off of it. And I really dont care if Mike finds out. You know we'll be ungrounded in three days" "yea thats true. They have to much of a heart" "so are you coming with me" "yea where" "probably just Cohen's house. Kiyas in deep shit" "oh ok. Sounds good"

I went back in my room and decided to take a nap.

A/n welp.....

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