Chapter 29

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Kyla's pov.

"Fuckkkkkkkkkk" Jiggy said as Aya was riding him.

I was hiding in our closet and I was on the verge of crying. I didn't know whether or not to confront them so I didn't. I went back to my room and layed on my bed as I started crying.

"Hey what's wrong" I heard. I sat up and wiped my eyes and saw Mike. "Nothing" I said. "Kyla I know when your upset. I'm your brother so anything you know I need to or already know" "ok, but just dont tell jiggy" "why?" "Just come here"

I whispered in his ear what had happened and he looked like he was going to kill him.

"Your not gonna tell him right?" I said. "I'll keep it a secret, but he needs to know that you know eventually" "fair enough"

Then Jiggy walked in my room and sat next to me. Mike left the room and I looked at Jiggy.

"What's his problem" he asked. I couldn't even speak to him, my voice wouldnt let me. So i shook my head no then he gave me a confused look.

"I was only asking because hes letting me talk to you when I'm not supposed to.  But OK I guess?". I shrugged my shoulders and layed on my pillow.

"Ok I dont know why you wont talk to me, I dont know what I did, or said so if you could please tell me that would be great" I shook my head no then he got up and left. I heard his door slam then I sat up.

I more mad at Aya then I am Jiggy because I always knew she would pull some shit like this. And the way she talks and looks at him always bothers me, its like she was jealous of him but I never tool concern to it.

"Sis what's wrong" I looked over and Aya was there. I defiantly didnt wanna talk to her so I just got up and went to Mikes room. I layed next to him on his bed and cried on his shoulder.

"Heyyy, its gonna be ok." He said hugging me. "I dont know what to do. Or say, I cant talk to them but I also dont want to unfriend them." "Why can't you unfriendly them" "because we have been through so much together and because I just can't. My heart tells me not to but my mind is telling me to just let them go."

"You have to do something about it now so it doesnt affect you later. You can just say it all together, text one of them, or just sit down and say it. You dont have to unfriend either if them you just have to let them know what you saw. And if you still wanna date Jiggy after that them do so but like they say, once a cheater always a cheater. And for Aya, you can tell Mally and he WILL do something about it because hes not with what she did. Thats you bestfriend and you boyfriend. You can always get another best friends and a new boyfriend. Dont let this one heart break hold you back from still living your life. Don't sit around crying all day when you could go be spontaneous. And if mom and dad were still here they would say the same exact thing"

"I dont want to hurt Aya or Jiggy though. I know they hurt me but it wouldnt feel right hurting them back"

"You just said it. They hurt you, so if you were to somehow hurt them back you will feel there is no revenge needed anymore. But if you still wanna be friends in the future then thats that. And for Jiggy, hes only your first boyfriend. You'll have plenty more and maybe one of them will be the one".

"The one I get married to?" "No your not getting married. Nobody said anything about that" "Bu-" "no if ands or buts your not getting married. Not happening. Never" "ok ok fine"

We started laughing and I felt a little better. I know my favorite friendship was just over and so was my first relationship but I still have my family. This probably sounds like a quote from the end of any teen love movie but alot of things do.

A/n ye ye not proofread

Friends? A Jiggy Turner StoryWhere stories live. Discover now