Chapter 33

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Kylas pov

It was the first day back.

I woke up and changed into something to show im not a weak little bitch

I woke up and changed into something to show im not a weak little bitch

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And i obviously took the shirt from Mike.

I went downstairs and made myself breakfast since i was the only one awake.

I went and grabbed my backpack and phone before writing a note saying i left for school.

I left the note on the table then left the house.

I walked to school since i needed the workout anyways plus it wasnt THAT far.

i stopped by the corner store on my way to school and said hi to Diego and grabbed myself a bag of chips for later.

At school

I walked up to the building and went inside and straight to my locker.

Guess this year im flying solo

I grabbed the stuff i actually needed for first period then started walking again.

Then i saw him

Jiggy was walking away from Aya saying. "I told you. We are OVER"

As i was looking at them i wasn't watching where i was walking when i bumped into someone making us both drop our stuff.

"Oh- im sorry" i said squatting down to grab my stuff.

"Its fine. Hey uh do you think you could help me? Im new and a little lost" He said.

"Oh sure"  i said.

We both grabbed our stuff then stood up.

"Im Bryce by the way" He said.

"Kyla. So whats your homeroom?" I asked.

"It says here Geometry" he replied.

"Oh then we have the same. Its this way C'mon" i said then started walking

I kept looking back to make sure he was following me and he was.

"Okay here it is" I said as we walked into the room

"Thanks" He said before the bell rung

I found my seat with my name on it and his happened to be right next to me so thats where he sat.

Jiggy's seat was right infront of us; so thats where he sat.

"Hey Ky-" Jiggy started talking but i cut him off.

"Im busy" i said pulling out a piece of paper and writing down what the teacher had on the board.

"Then we can talk later?"

"Ill be busy" i said.

"What about after school" he said.


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