Chapter 25

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Kyla's pov

I woke up in a hospital room and saw Mike And Jiggy sitting down. "What the hell happend" I said sitting up. Mike just got up and left the room, he didn't seem very happy he seemed mad. I mean I snuck out and stuff but he should be happy I'm alive.

"What's his problem." "Don't worry about it. He has some stuff to do" Jiggy said. "I'm gonna worry about it. He can't even say hi or something" "it would be better to not worry about it but you do you"

"Whatever. Where is Aya" "Shes one room over" "then I'm going over there" "have fun"

I got up, it was kinda hard to walk but manageable. I went over and saw Aya crying. "Whats wrong" I went over and sat on her bed. "N-Nothing. I'm good" "No bae, I know when you're lying." "I'm ok." "Stop lying to me." "Listen I'm scared. I understand how you felt and why you didn't tell me the first time" "oh..." "It sucks to think about" "yea"

Then Mike walked in the room. "Sign this" he said handing me a pen and some paper. "I will once you tell me what's going on" "ok fine. You need to sign it so they have your permission to test you for anything" "like what" "I dont know std or something" "i guess I'll sign it"

I signed it and handed it back to him. "Why were you mad" "I dont know. You snuck out while grounded, didn't go home when Jiggy asked you to, your in the hospital" he said sarcastically. "Ohhh ok"

He left the room and a doctor came in. "Do you know where your brother is" he asked. "He said he was getting food" "oh ok. Well just so you both know now. You can both be home by tomarrow" "ok" then the doctor left the room.

"I wonder if we're still grounded after this" she asked. "No they love us to much to do that" "you sure about that" "yep"


"So Mally. Are we still grounded" I asked. "I'm gonna have to hand this over to Mike" "I- why me. Jiggy you do it" "I can't ground my girlfriend, and her friend" "shes my sister" I said with sass.

"But for her to be your sister Mally and Mike would have to be together" "Well to bad. Shes my sister no matter what"

I looked over at Mally and he had a slight blush which is....different but I brushed it off. I mean, Mally is bi but he doesnt like Mike. Nobody would, I mean have you seen his face.

"Chile-" "What" Mike asked all confused. "Anyways. Aya. I'm pretty sure Mally just blushed at Mike" I whispered. "Ohh they can date then get marred, then we can be real sisters" "Works for me but.. I heard Mike likes Vallyk" "we can figure something out" "ok"

"What are you guys whispering about" Mike asked. "Nothingggg
Anyways are we grounded or not" "No but next time you get grounded it will be for a month" "ok"

Then we just sat around for the rest of the day. We did have to get shots and take medicine but it wasn't to bad. For now.....

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