Chapter 35

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Kylas pov

After the bell rung i went to find jiggy.

I went up and down every hall to find him and once i did find him i didnt even say anything, i just grabbed him by his hood and dragged him into a different old classroom.

"Damn you know i can walk right?" he said as i shut and locked the door.

"Talk"i said.

"What?" he asked.

I sighed.

"Since you seem to have so much to say to me, say it. Ill listen and actually reply and shit" i said as i sat down in a. chair and he sat in the seat infront of me, he just turned the chair around.

"Oh okay" he said then pulled a note book out of his binder.

i sighed as i closed my eyes and put my elbow on the table and my hand on my forehead.

"Its just bullet points chill" he said.

"whatever. Just start" i said.

"okay so. I dont understand why you're avoiding me over something i couldnt control-" i cut him off.

"Because your story isnt straight no matter how you rearrange the letters. you say she raped you but you gotta realize, I dont think Aya has ever stepped foot in a gym. Either way she has no muscles. So there is no way in hell she "forced" you onto her. If there is something someone isnt telling me just tell me already." i said.

He looked down.

"See its little shit you do that tells me you know something that i dont, so if your not gonna tell me just forget it" i said.

"Okay fine. Ill tell you what really happened but dont let anyone know that im the one who told you okay?" he said.

"okay" i said.

"She didnt really force me onto her. Okay so I had went into her room to grab Mallys chain because he asked me to when i got done eating im pretty sure it was lunch or a snack. Anyways so i went up to her room and the first thing i did wrong was going in without knocking, well she was getting dressed. So i said sorry and waiting until she said i could come in. When she said it i came back in and asked her where it was so she told me she left it on her bed. So i went over to her bed and cant find it so i look back at her and shes half fucking naked. then she says something about my dick, because i had on gray sweatpants, then she climbed onto me. i told her no but then she had said...something that made me let her continue. Honestly worst time ive ever had but thats besides the point" he said.

"What did she say to you" i asked.

"Its better if you dont know" he said.

I sighed.

"But anyways. Why are you full on avoiding me over something we could easily just talk through" he asked.

"Because i dont wanna  be seen with a guy who cheated on my with my bestfriend. Imma look like im chasing after you when im not, your chasing after me." I said.

"True true very true. Anyways. The bell is about to ring so im gonna go." he said.

He put the note book back into his binder and got up.

"Maybe we can talk about it later?" he asked.

"Maybe" i said.

He smiled and left the room a second before the bell rung. I ran off to find Bryce and once i did i told him every thing Jiggy told me

"What the actual fuck. I mean do you believe that story or no?" he asked

" i mean..... i guess. It does sound like something she would do" i said.

"Alright then. now you can A: get him back or B:Stay single" he said.

"I dont know what i want right now. I mean i just wanna know what she said to him that changed his whole mind. If i knew what she said then maybe but its hard when i dont." i said.

"understandable" he said.

the rest of the day ran smoothly. Everything was pretty much fine until i got home.

As i was walking home it started POURING rain so i was soaked when i got home.

When i did get there i went up to my room and took a shower. i put on a hoodie and some shorts as i did some homework before mike burst into my room.

He looked mad.

"Why the fuck are you skipping classes?" he asked.

"I had to do something" i said.

"Thats not an excuse to miss classes" he said.

"Whatever. Can you please get out? im busy" i said.

"Whatever. If you wanna be a failure then keep doing what your doing. I gotta go to work anyways" he said

he walked off and slammed my door.

That leave me home alone then.

Aya went to Kiyas house, Mally is at work and i guess mike is going to work now.

Not even a full five minutes later i hear Mikes car drive off.

"Finally" i said to myself.

I left my room and went downstairs to the kitchen.

I grabbed some snacks then sat down on the couch to watch tv before i heard a knock at the door

"Who is it" i said as i got to to open it.

"Jiggy" i heard.

"Leave" i said.

"Please let me in. Its cold and im soaked" he replied.

I sighed.

I went over and opened the door to let him in.

He was shivering from how soaked and cold he was.

"Can I go change?" he asked.

"Sure" i said before going back to the couch.

I put a movie on as i waited for him to come back downstairs and once he did he was wearing Mallys Sweat pants and shirt.

"So um.... I spoke to Bryce" he said as he sat next to me.

"cool" i said.

"He said that your not over me"

I didnt reply. I didnt know how to.

"i mean. If thats true then why are you making this so complicated?" he asked.

"Because. Just because i still like you doesnt mean i want to. You messed up big time and its hard to just let that go and forget about it. I dont know what she said that changed your mind but whatever it was just know it costed you a friendship and a relationship." i said.

he just sat there silent.

That what it was until he left.

Neither one of us spoke. Nobody needed to. Everything that needed to be said was already said

(I know this is kinda rushed but i got like two more stories to post for so bare with me)

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