S2 Part 38 - Maneater

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A hint of sunshine leaked into your hospital room from the window blinds. You sighed, wishing the night would have lasted a lifetime.

Last night...

Your eyes widened. Shinso was still in your rooms. In your arms. You had one leg hugging around his torso and both arms around his neck. He was sound asleep still, breathing calmly next to your collarbone. His strong hands held you around your waist and in the light, you could better appreciate the definition in his biceps and back.

Aizawa has been training the hell out of you!

You shook yourself out of that trance. Focus! You had no idea what time it was and if or when nurses would be by the check on you. Or heaven forbid his dad! Neither of you had much clothing on. You must've fallen asleep right after.

"Shinso!" you whispered, "Wake up!"

You wriggled free of his heavy arms that fell limp when you disappeared. He didn't stir. Not even a peep.

"Shinso," you hissed this time, "Come on! Walk of shame - here we go!"

Nothing. Just a gentle snore.

"Fine," you yanked the blankets off him, "Then I'll drag you out and you can explain to your dad why... wha..."

When you looked down at your bra, something seemed very off. As in, your cup size. You felt yourself up, noticing your boobs were spilling out of your bra.

That's strange... this fit fine yesterday.

You brushed it off, assuming Shinso stretched the fabric out with all the aggressive rubbing. As much as you wanted him to leave, you also enjoyed seeing him sprawled out half naked. You were starting to feel hot all over again.

"Hitoshi!" You leaned over his body and pinched his cheeks, "I will throw you out of here without your shirt!"

He twitched slightly but rolled over, completely ignoring you. You were about to make good on your threat and grab him by his ankles when something else caught your eye.

Was your skin... smoother?

It wasn't an extraordinary change, but enough for you to notice. Every blemish or bruise had become nonexistent. Even your nails were clean and shiny. You went to feel your arms out of curiosity and they were soft as butter. Not bad?

You brushed the hair out of your eyes and felt something hard that shouldn't be attached to your head.

"What the hell..."

With hesitant fingers, you reached for the top of your head again and felt not one but two small sharp objects. Now you were feeling a little crazy. You hurried towards the small bathroom but for some reason bumped into the door awkwardly.

"Walk much, (Y/N)," you scolded yourself. Your eyes eagerly searched for the bathroom mirror.


You weren't exactly sure what you were looking at. It was you, but maybe a "you" cosplaying as someone's demon fantasy. Attached to your back were two, thin bat-like wings. They were smooth, leathery, and burgundy in color. The red textures created an ombré from your spine down. When you went to touch them you could feel them like it was part of your body.


The bumps you felt earlier on your head were two small horns that just barely peaked out from your hair.

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