Part 34 - Charmed

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Midnight was practically growling the entire way back to Monarch's greenhouse. She wasn't upset with you (you didn't think so anyway...) but she could hardly say a few words in the car.

After hours of explaining what went down last night to Monarch, Aizawa, Midnight, and even All Might, you were positive your internship was over. Monarch spent another hour with your aunt, and whatever was said granted you permission to continue with his training.

With a few exceptions.

Since Shigaraki knew where to find you, they assumed he knew you interned in this part of town, and probably about Monarch too. Creepy, but it made sense.

So, you couldn't take public transportation anymore and Midnight agreed to let you stay at Monarch's. So long as he had all of his subordinates at the facility at all times.

"Call me." Was all Midnight could say before squeezing you into a death hug. The entrance to the greenhouse was lined with foot soldiers - men and women dressed in matching polka dot uniforms. If this was supposed to scare Tomura away you weren't sure it would work...

"All things considered," Monarch swooped in and ushered you inside, "this worked out perfectly!"

"I guess..." you snorted, "What are we doing today?"

"Eager are we? Why don't you change into something athletic - not jeans. Meet me back in here in twenty minutes."

You agreed, and went up to your new room for the week to drop off your bag and change. The bed looked even more tempting than yesterday. To be honest, you didn't sleep at all last night.

The music box survived the attack yesterday, you noted as you emptied your backpack. Your phone, however, had a nice new crack from being dropped in the alley.

"Stupid villains..." you frowned. Just then, you were receiving a call. You expected your aunt or maybe Shinso, but to your surprise it was Midoriya.

"H-hey?" you answered, "Didn't think I'd hear from you so soon. What's up?"

"Hi, (Y/N)," his sweet voice made you a little cheery, "I just talked to All Might and I guess I was just worried..."

"Oh... he told you what happened?"

"I don't mean to be nosy! We just care about you, that's all!"

You smiled, "It's okay. It was scary but I had plenty of help. I just feel paranoid now is all."

"Right. Makes sense. I didn't think he'd come after you alone like that, it doesn't seem like something he'd do."

"He did have someone. Aizawa wasn't able to catch him, though."

"No way... still it- it just seems out of character. I feel like if he wanted to kidnap you he would make a big show of it. He wants the League of Villains to be known and has these big, chaotic plans. Just seems odd to me.... B-but more importantly - you're okay!"

"I agree. It isn't the first time he's approached me like this. I'm not even sure what he wants from me."

Izuku sighed, "Neither do I, but we're not going to let anything happen to you."

You giggled, "You're sounding more like a hero everyday, Deku."

He was silent for a second, causing you to laugh some more, "How is your internship going? No surprise villain attacks?" You asked.

"Oh, it's okay... I spent all night trying to climb a wall with my quirk. Gran Torino is a weird old guy, but so fast! I can't land a hit on him!"

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