Part 32 - Butterfly Effect

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You weren't in the comforting hallways of UA anymore. The air stuck to your skin and your hair instantly began to curl. Just breathing felt like you were drinking the sweet, perfumed air.

Monarch strut along beside you, his hair still flawless and his makeup invincible.

"I can't tell you how pleased I am that you decided to join me," he said.

You hardly knew the guy, so you didn't want to be rude, but at the same time... "I mean, I kind of had to. You sort of threatened my aunt."

He snickered, "Look at you, cheeky. I know, I know. I can be just atrocious sometimes."

"Why did you go through all that trouble, anyway?"

"I thought it was obvious! I wanted to see my godchild."

You studied his features. He certainly looked sincere, but how could you really be sure? The goal was to learn what you could from him and keep your guard up.

"Is that really true?" your hands went to your hips, "I have a hard time believing someone like you was friends with the Butcher."

"Hellia," he corrected, "Butcher was just a horrific part of the package deal. Your mother did have a weak spot for the tortured types..."

"And my mother was blameless?"

He stopped, causing you to stop as well. The foliage in the greenhouse was lush and reached into your path attempting to touch you.

"Of course not, but who's perfect?" Monarch asked, "I'm not saying she didn't deserve her end but was she a good friend to me? Yes."

"Did she..." you trailed off. Now wasn't the time for that question. You weren't ready for it, rather.

"Love you?"

You felt a horrible sting in your chest, "It doesn't matter."

He stepped in front of you. Since he was so tall he had to lower himself, bending his spine in half, to look into your eyes, "She did. If it matters."

He suddenly pinched your cheeks, "And so do I!"

You grunted and swat his hands away, "You can't be casual about that! I hardly know you!"

His charcoal eyes glistened, "Trust me, I mourn about our years apart all the time. If I'd known you were so close we would've met sooner."

"About that," you said, "Did you really not know where I was? Or are you just jumping on the fame-train while I'm conducting?"

His eyes widened, and then he doubled over in laughter, "Oh, my dear. I don't need you to be more fabulous. Remember, this week is about you... And me a little bit."

He continued forward into the green forest. You could feel your clothes sticking to your skin. Something fluttered next to your face and you almost smacked it - thank goodness you didn't! A blue butterfly landed on your shoulder. You held your breath as you watched its wings lazily open and close.

Another landed on your arm, and you extended it forward to create a better perch. A yellow joined the party, and a clear - almost glass-like - butterfly as well. You giggled as their tiny legs tickled you.

"Charming," Monarch cooed, "They'll stay on you forever, so feel free to keep moving. Just mind your step."

You felt like a character in Alice In Wonderland, walking about with a posse of butterflies on your body. It was difficult to be weary with such cuteness abound. But, this was your internship, you reminded yourself. You knew everyone from your class was taking their experience seriously, so you would as well. 

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