S2 Part 7 - Disaster

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Shinso had Bakugo in knots. The blond boy looked like an angry cat caught in a yarn ball - if the cat also had sticks of dynamite. That left Shinso open, however, to Izuku, who landed a hard punch to his jaw, sending him rolling and dragging Bakugo along with him.

"Dammit - stupid nerd!" Bakugo grunted, scrambling to free himself.

"S-Sorry!" Izuku said.

You pulled at your hair. This was a disaster! How were you all going to recover points from this circus? You and Kirishima tried intervening a few times only to get frost walled or blasted.

Now, you, Kirishima, and Toru were at a safe distance while planning your next move. The other team that accompanied Shinso hadn't been able to escape, thanks to Todoroki freezing them in place, but you weren't sure how long that would last.

"Toru," you said, "while everyone's distracted, see if you can get to Jiro."

She nodded - you think - "What are you going to do?"

"We should be going after their flag... but we can't leave Jiro in Shinso's mind control. So," you huffed, "Kiri and I will try to save our team from further embarrassment... and keep your way clear."

"That sounds fun," Kirishima said, "What's the plan?"

I need to get to Deku... You frowned at the battlefield that would certainly bring you death.

Kirishima noticed the worry on your face, "Hey... uh, if you need to, like, charge-up or something? I can help. If you want!"

You turned, stunned by his offer. He didn't look very sure of himself, as he dropped his gaze, "If it'll help us stop them, why not? We've kissed already so it's not that weird - right?" He flashed you a bright smile, even though you could tell he was nervous as hell.

"Oh, um," you checked the distance between you and Izuku again.

So far... and he was jumping around like a spazz. It might be dangerous to interrupt him.

"Are you sure?" You asked.

"Yeah, unless you're afraid of my cooties," he laughed.

You smiled. Kirishima was a sweetheart, kind of like Izuku - but it was easier to kiss guys like Bakugo. With him, you knew you wouldn't be toying with his feelings - or, at least, he could handle it...

You needed to make the choice now.

"Alright, thanks, Kiri."

He blushed at the nickname you adopted, "Let's do this!"

Kirishima was always so loud and confident on the surface, seeing him actually be shy threw you off. It was mostly in his eyes - the nerves and curiosity brewing in his red orbs.

You hoped the invisible girl had left on her quest already...

His kiss was a little more forceful this time, and you giggled involuntarily - it was like he wanted to make sure it was going to work.

You helped ease him into it by holding his face in your hands. He relaxed instantly and his solid arms hugged you into him. You were impressed by his abs, but it felt like cuddling a bag of rocks.

His sharp teeth barely grazed your bottom lip. The sensation was surprisingly pleasant, like a tickle, but you kindly resisted his mouth's request to go further. You weren't looking to get your tongue pierced anytime soon.

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