S2 Part 10 - Little Fires

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"Are you sure Midnight is okay with this?" You asked.

Monarch had flown you across town and back to his greenhouse. You didn't even mind the flying this time - granted it was difficult to feel anything at this point.

He settled you in your room and presented you with a gallon of ice cream. If you had been in a better mood it would have made you chuckle.

"It was her idea actually," he said, handing you a giant spoon, "You don't mind staying for a while, do you?"

"Not at all."

"Good. I figured... How are you, sweeting?"

You sat criss-cross on your bed, the gallon of ice cream in your lap. Monarch examined you from afar, sitting backwards of the chair next to the desk he bought you.

"I'm scared," you admitted, "I'm scared that I ruined my friend's future. I'm scared that I ruined my own. Yours. Midnight's. UA."

"You didn't do this," Monarch raised a brow, "Some idiot with a laptop did. We have friends in high places who can put the flames out, so just wait this out - okay? In the meantime, I think it'll be best if, maybe, you stayed here."

"Like, not go back to school? What about my exams?"

"Ha! School is a joke and everything can be done online," he laughed, but when you frowned he cleared his throat, "I mean, school is very important and worth the money..."

You snorted, "I bet you were a peach to have in class."

"Don't be rude, child," he could sense something weighing on your mind. You felt his eyes studying your face while you gazed at your untouched ice cream. "He doesn't blame you either, dear. If that's what's troubling you."

"I know, but maybe he should," you sighed. Remembering the look on Shinso's face was a punch to the gut. He was like a hurt kitten on the side of the road, and you just walked past.

"I told him we should hold off on seeing each other," you explained, "It's not what I want, I just... If I can do anything for him I will, and that's all I could think of - and kill that reporter."

Monarch mulled, "You are sweet. Of course, he'll be butthurt for a while but I think he'll see that you had the best of intentions for him. However, if he was willing to risk it anyway, that's kind of romantic, no?" He winked.

"Shinso works hard for everything. I just don't want him to focus on me at the expense of everything he wants..."

Monarch rolled his eyes, "Oh dear..."

"What?" you snapped.

He snorted, "Ugh, you're so hopeless. And here I thought you had all the experience in the world."

"W-what's that supposed to mean!"

"Virgins," Monarch mumbled to himself and shook his head, "Anyway, eat your sad ice cream and let me know if you need anything else. I have some damage control to do, but you're welcome to anything downstairs. I'll be back for dinner."

"Wha- how did-... Okay," you grimaced as he ruffled your hair before leaving, "Thanks."

"Monarch!" He paused in the hallway, "Um, off topic, but... I've been having these dreams lately. I think about mom."


"Sorry, it's just that I think it might be a memory. The music box you gave me, did she used to sing that song?"

He smiled, "She did. So, I wouldn't be surprised if it dug up some old baby memories. You should... try it sometime."

"Try what?"

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