Part 9 - Meow?

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Aizawa had the three of you lifting, sparring, and running laps until lunchtime.

You sprawled out on the grass on the track field. Everything hurt. The idea of getting off the ground made you want to cry. Just leave me to die...

A shadow cast over you, but you refused to open your eyes. You heard the perpetrator's chuckle, "Don't tell me you've kicked it already? Going on a date alone is going to be pretty awkward for me."

That woke you up. You instinctively wanted to sit up and not look so pathetic and vulnerable, but your body refused. A weak cry escaped your lips as your efforts were futile.

"I'm sorry - I'm broken. Take Bakugo," you moaned.

"That's a funny joke, (Y/N), keep it up," Shinso scoffed, "I forget this is your first time. Don't worry, a few more days of this and you'll get used to it."

You sobbed, already dreading it, "I didn't realize how out of shape I was..."

"You kidding? You kept up with us, for a while anyway. You pushed yourself."

"I have to," you opened your eyes, "I can't be weak anymore."

Shinso's eyes darkened, "Don't let that overgrown fuzzball put you down."

"No. He's right. If I'm going to be a hero I have to rely on myself and my quirk. Right now, I don't really trust what I'm capable of."

Shinso crouched to get on your level, "I like the spirit, but don't look so down. You give me hope, you know."

It took you a moment, but eventually, you were able to sit up. You felt like an old woman with her back out, "Aw, you're just saying that..."

"I'm serious," he smiled, his eyes still cunning as ever, "I have to prove I'm a hero too. You're already ahead of me."

You saw a flash of sadness cross his face.

"Consider us competitors," he grinned.

"Won't that make our date awkward?" you laughed.

"Don't be silly. That's an entirely different game, (Y/N)."

He gazed at you with his cocky grin and drowsy eyes. You almost wondered if he used his quirk on you since you were so silent. In reality, you were just stunned by his boldness. This training he'd been doing with Aizawa was giving him the confidence he needed. It made you happy to see him growing and chasing his goal. Even when the cards weren't in his favor.

You inspire me, Shinso.
Which is why... maybe, I shouldn't like you more than I do?

"You two done sulking?" Bakugo was sweating, but nothing else about him seemed worn out. You just rolled your eyes and miraculously got yourself to stand. Taking a single step made your leg cramp up. Your head was about to explode from trying to hold your breath instead of screaming.

Bakugo scoffed, "Can't take it, then quit while you're behind, (Y/N)."

"You share a class with this asshole?" Shinso asked you.

"Hmph," Bakugo hardly gave Shinso a glance, "Get lost, lousy extra."

You thought you'd heard the last of him as he brushed past you, but then he paused. Sighing, you gave Shinso a warning look. Don't engage. Don't engage. Don't-

"Are you her stupid boyfriend?" Bakugo's voice was low and threatening.

Shinso's lips curled upward, "What makes you say that?"

He brushed the question aside, "You should know, I've kissed her already."

You could only gape at him. What the hell was he doing? Why?! Was he seriously just being an ass because he could? You were boiling over in rage, which Shinso took notice of. His smile vanished, and his determined eyes shifted.

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