🎃 Happy Halloween! 🎃

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Yay! My favorite holiday! Who else?! 😁

This is just another fun episode with no connection to our story 💁‍♀️ So, don't get confused! Sit back, relax, and enjoy some spooks - and, you know, cute stuff!

Sorry it's technically November now, but I was busy getting my festive on last night 🎃

- Intro -

"(Y/N)! I'm so glad you came!"

Uraraka embraced you, smothering you with her bulbous, pink costume, "Being around so many rich people kind of freaks me out... Especially when I'm dressed up as a Smash Brothers character."

Momo invited all of class 1A to her annual Halloween party. You almost didn't come because Midnight was still hesitant about you going out at night, but eventually she caved.

"But you didn't dress up?!" Uraraka pulled away and examined you, "Now I feel even more ridiculous!"


Iida appeared on the scene and karate chopped the air between the two of you, "If anyone were to feel ridiculous it would be (Y/N) - as she is the only one not in a costume."

"I'm sorry, okay!" You laughed, "I didn't really have time to put one together... What exactly are you, Iida? Is this a new hero costume?"

"No - I am a Transformer. See the wheels?" He pointed towards his ankles.

"It does look similar to your hero costume, now that you mention it," Uraraka giggled.

"And you're, let me guess," you grinned, "Kirby?"

"It makes sense, right? Since I can float!"

And your pink cheeks...

"It totally does," you agreed, "Now I do feel lame for not dressing up. I didn't realize how into it everyone would be."

Everyone had an amazing costume on, even the people you wouldn't have suspected - like Tokoyami. Although, he didn't look too comfortable or pleased in his space, cowboy/pilot getup.

"Don't tell me..." you said aloud.

"A few of us are sticking with the Smash Bro's theme," Uraraka explained, "We had to beg Tokoyami to be Falco..."

More than just your class was present, but when you spotted your fellow students you noticed most of them did keep to the Nintendo theme. Kirishima was Bowser, Mina was Princess Peach, and Jiro looked like an epic Fire Emblem swordsman.

"Wow - how did any of you have time to make such intricate costumes?" You whined.

"Momo helped with the extra pizazz," Uraraka said, "I bet she wouldn't mind hooking you up!"

Iida nodded, "It's true. Even my ensemble needed a woman's touch."

"I'd feel bad asking for her to make an entire costume!"

But Uraraka had already gone to get Momo. You sighed and Iida just shrugged at you, "She wants you to feel included. Now - to the snack table! I mean... roll out!"

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