Part 31 - Welcome to the Jungle

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The drive to school the following week gave you plenty of time to regret the many texts you never answered.

Everyone was responding to the media in different ways. Some of your classmates were excited while others were jealous or concerned. Bakugo's texts were usually short - he just wanted you to respond. After the fourth "HEY!!!" you let him know you were just busy.

Now you had to face them all.

Hopefully, they would be too distracted by today's class. Midnight was actually coming with you this time. It was the significant event in your lives of choosing your hero names...

That's far more important than your love life! You smiled, victoriously.

Aizawa already had the class frazzled and in their seats before you and Midnight entered. "You will be choosing your hero names..." he grumbled.

"What! You made it sound so scary!" Ashido beamed, "This is totally cool!"

"It is an important decision," he said, "These names will follow you for the rest of your life, so choose wisely..."

You took your seat but your mind was as blank as your mini-white board. Midnight kept everyone's excitements up by either ridiculing or gushing over the names they chose.

"LORD EXPLOSION MURDER!" You jumped when Bakugo's voice dominated the room. Honestly, that was better than Aoyama's "Can't Stop Twinkling"...

"Do you have a name yet?" Tsu asked you.

"N-no. I have no idea. I thought it would come naturally, but I'm stumped."

Tsu tapped her chin, the tip of her frog-tongue poked out from her mouth, "Well. Think about your quirk and then something that makes it personal to you. You're strong, clever, but not overly seductive as the media makes you out to be. So nothing too suggestive..."

"That would be best..." You sighed. It felt like you needed more time with your quirk before naming it.

"How about... Kiss of DEATH!" Mineta suggested.

"That doesn't sound right," Tsu shook her head.

"Oh!" Ashido jumped in, "Smooch would be kinda cute!"

You grimaced, "I think I liked Mineta's better."

"Focus less on her lips," Todoroki muttered. He tried looking indifferent about the conversation, but it didn't fool Ashido.

"Hmm," Ashido scoffed, "What's something that takes energy?"

"A lot of things, but she specifically takes it through human connection it seems," Tsu said.

"Like a succubus..." you heard Mineta giggle.

"Maybe we're overthinking it," you said, "I'll come up with something."

You were a bit jealous everyone seemed to know their exact path and identity already. The marker you had was drying out from how long you stared at the board.


"Just your name?" Midnight asked the next student curiously.

Apparently, both Iida and Todoroki opted on using their given names. You were surprised by Iida's choice most of all. But then...

Oh. Oh - you idiot!

The news, while also covering the sports festival, hadn't given up on their search for Stain - the hero killer.

The hero he attacked that very day... It was a relative of Iida's. Their costumes are identical, you thought; both robo-boys. Now, you really felt awful for not reading your texts. They probably weren't even about you.

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