Chapter 25

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"Knock knock?". Avaline says this while making sure to knock somewhere that Techno's face wouldn't appear at. She would hate it if a repeat of the last time she came over happened.

Techno grins, getting up from the counter which he was sitting on, while he waited for her. He excitedly bounced over to the door, opening it, and instantly taking a step back in case another fist flew into his face.

Both happily grinning, Avaline makes the first move, jumping onto him, greeting with a warm hug. Techno places a hand on top of her head, lovingly smoothing her hair down. Avaline looks up, Techno meeting her gaze by placing a soft kiss onto her forehead.

Blushing, Avaline breaks out of their embrace, brushing her hair behind her ear. "Hello.".

Techno takes her hand, closing the door behind her, guiding her to the kitchen counter. "Hey."

The two sit down, facing each other. If they could, they would just sit there together admiring each other forever. Techno breaks the silence, asking, "Would you like anything? Like tea? It is quite cold outside.".

Avaline smiles, thankful for his hospitality and caring personality. "Sure, thank you!". Techno gets up, happy to be able to serve her. As he gracefully glides around the kitchen, finding the necessary items, Avaline couldn't help but closely observe him. It was as if he was gliding around on ice, as peaceful as a swan, but having the prowess of a tiger.

Soon enough, a beautiful aroma wafted from the beautiful ornate pot he held, an amazed look placed onto her face. "Damnnn it smells so good!".

Techno chuckles amused. "Yea I agree.".

"And the pot and the matching cups are so pretty! By the way, what's the tea?". Avaline leans forward, trying to decipher the delicate tea.

"Well, I did some testing before, and I put some dried up roses, lotus seeds, a bit of ginger, and chrysanthemum.". Avaline looks up at him, amazed.

"Damn that's pretty cool. You're like a tea expert!". Avaline places a fist on her heart, showing respect.

Techno chuckles, slightly embarrassed. "Well I did just buy a bunch of dried of flowers and stuff and put a bunch of them together till it tasted good."

Avaline laughs, "Well it smells and probably tastes good so that's amazing already! Oh when you meet my mum, I'll ask her to tell you about good tea combinations, since each different tea has different medical uses.".

This time, it was Techno's turn to be shocked, "bruh I didn't know this, I should've actually searched it up, I just walked into a random Chinese herbal shop"

Avaline loudly laughs, amused by him. "Oh it's alright, at least you know now!".

Avaline watches as Techno carefully pours the tea into beautiful, intricate cups. Avaline whispers a thank you, as she raises the hot cup to her lips, tasting the delicate taste. "Oh gosh this is most definitely way better than those Lipton Tea Bags that I buy at Keyfoods I swear".

Smiling, Techno's chest not only warmed from the tea, but also the pride.

"It's amazing, Techno! Thank you so so much! I'm gonna definitely remember that combination."

Carefully refilling their cups, Techno replies, "I'm very happy that you enjoyed it, and I'm even more happy that you're here to enjoy it with me.".

Slapping a hand over her mouth, Avaline blushes, "Damn that was smooth".

Techno laughs, "Thank god it was or else that was gonna be so cringe".

Techno's eyes widen, remembering the gift which he had prepared for her the day before. Quickly getting up, he excused himself, "wait one second imma be back in a sec"

Confused, Avaline nods, nervously sipping on the tea. If coming to his place meant free tasty tea, she was definitely going to make more frequent trips. Avaline snickers at that thought, wondering what Techno was doing while she heard him rummaging around in his room.

Before Techno, steps out of his room, he falls out to her, "Close your eyes please! It's a surprise."

Avaline complies, covering her eyes, giggling. "Okay! I covered them!".

Techno steadily walks out, making sure that she covered her eyes, also carefully balancing the gift.

He places it in front of her, without it being ruined. He lets out a sigh of relief, "Alright, you can look now..."

Like a joyful child, Avaline uncovers her eyes, gasping and covering her face again, groaning. "I really can't accept this, Techno.".

Techno frowns, slightly panicking not understanding. "What do you mean? Is it really bad? It's okay I can still refund it.".

"No no no! It's really really nice, but it's way too expensive! How much is it? I'll pay for it.".

"No, it's really okay, it's a gift of course, so why would you pay for your own gift?". Techno cringes, not sure why she would do this.

Avaline groans, "okay fine, but you better be ready for a gift of my own.".

Techno smiles, his mission accomplished. "Well I'll just get you another one!".

Avaline face palms, knowing that she couldn't win this. She observes the gift, falling in love with the red and white themed gift, white roses with splatters of red around, forming a perfect heart. She takes one of the roses, hissing in pain as she pricks her finger on a sharp thorn.

"Ouch, there's a thorn on it."

Techno's eyes widen, "oh shit, wait one second I'll get the first aid kit. STAY RIGHT THERE, don't move, oh gosh, I'm so sorry, I didn't know!".

Giggling, Avaline watches the minecraft youtuber scrambling around his apartment, looking for a first aid kit. "It's really fine, Techno. It's not bad at all! Plus, it's not your fault."

"Well I've gotta disinfect it so you don't get it infected and die, also it's kinda my fault since I'm giving you it.". Voice thick with guilt, Techno begins to get overwhelmed, not being able to find the kit.

Avaline's voice becomes stern, brows furrowing. "It's not your fault. You wanted me to be happy, that was your intention. You did not mean to hurt me, it's alright.".

Techno slightly relaxes, understanding the logic. He finds the red box, bringing it over to her. He gets onto his knees, gently taking her finger, with Avaline's nod of approval, he thoroughly inspects the tiny wound.

He relaxes, realizing that the wound would heal in no time. He takes the rubbing alcohol, pouring some onto a cotton pad. "Is it alright if I put this on it? It'll only hurt a little bit.".

A bit scared of the incoming pain, Avaline slowly nods, "alright.".

As gently as he could, he dabbed the alcohol drenched cotton onto the site, quickly taking it off when he heard her hiss.

"No, I'm alright, it isn't that bad, but I thought it was going to be less painful.".

Techno presses his lips into a tight line, guilt overflowing in his system. After placing a bright yellow bandaid onto her finger, he smiles, placing a sweet kiss onto it.

Avaline giggles, "aww that's cute".

Techno looks up, a smile on his face, happy that he was able to put a smile back onto her face.

Taking advantage of Techno's staring, Avaline slightly leans down, connecting their lips.

With widened eyes, Techno freezes, then relaxing into her warmth. Avaline places a loving hand onto his face, pulling them closer together.

When they finally separated for air, they pressed their foreheads together, great duo that they had each other in their lives.

Avaline is the first to break the blissful silence, "If I get this and free tea everytime I came over, I'd definitely come over way more often.".

"Bruh". With a laugh, Techno brings her close to him, hugging her. That's when they knew that they really were in love.

A/N: AYOO 🔊🔊🔊 More cutesy stuff coming

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