Chapter 5

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     The rays of sunshine leaking through his curtains warm his face, effectively waking him up. Yawning, he stretches and sits upon his bed, mind still muddled from sleep. He was lacking hours of sleep as last night, he had been laying on his bed, unmoved, thoughts moving at the speed of light. Though he wanted to sleep, his mind kept drifting back to what he had said to the special girl the previous day. He had realized that he doesn't know her name. He was nervous to speak to her again, fearing that he would make a fool out of himself and make her uncomfortable again. When he had said the word 'darling', it had slipped out and surprised himself. Confused about what these feelings were, he becomes flustered and embarrassed. He felt that these 'feelings' were simply fleeting emotions that would pass in a few days. He couldn't come to terms with the possibility of him having feelings for someone he had met only a few days ago. He felt as if he was at home anytime he spoke to her, and that he had known her for years. But these must be only friendly feelings, right?

Sweeping the twisting thoughts away, he gets up, determined to work on editing for the day. It was a task that he had never enjoyed. It was boring and hard to sit still for. Grabbing his signature pink jeans jacket and laptop determined to make the most of his day. Heading to the cafe he had discovered by chance, he watches the world go by around him. It was early, so he could see the city come alive, people rushing to get to work, cars aggressively honking at each other, business people looking stone-cold, everyone with a goal to complete for the day.

The cafe comes to view, he finds himself searching for the same girl with the red hoodie.  He feels disappointed as he was unable to find her. Mood dampened, he walks into the cafe and unenthusiastically orders a black coffee and a chocolate muffin. As he waits patiently for his order to be ready, his eyes rake the cozy cafe, examining every tiny detail. The smell of coffee beans, the sound of coffee pouring, the worn-out tables and chairs, the hanging lights from the ceilings, and the many paintings of alluring sirens, playful fairies, majestic griffins, and more on the walls, welcoming each person who enters. He was glad to have discovered such a cafe. It was the type that one would never forget, and forever continue visiting till it was nothing more than a blurry memory. Soon, the barista calls his name, the trance he was in snaps away, and he collects his order. He thanks the barista and makes his way to a table. Settling down, he takes a sip of coffee, opens his laptop, and is ready to take on the wonders of editing videos. Plugging in his earbuds, he plays a song that keeps his nerves calm, hoping to help him concentrate longer. After a few minutes, the music takes over his mind and he is ready to start.

After an hour or so of editing, he was ready to throw his laptop into a ditch and set it on fire. He was bored out of his mind and still tired. Just as he takes his earbuds out, the bell on top of the door sounds, alerting him of someone's arrival. His head shoots up to see who it is and to his surprise, it was the girl. Though she was not wearing the familiar red hoodie, he still managed to remember her face. How could he not remember such beauty? The girl had stormed into the cafe angrily, almost as if the whole world had wronged her. Techno was curious but worried about what had happened to her. He watched as she stormed over to the same table he had seen her at the last time, and open her laptop. She was quick in clicking and typing her way through whatever she was obviously determined to complete. Soon, the barista makes her way over to the girl's table with a sweet drink and muffin. She glances up at the cheerful barista, face lighting up. They animatedly spoke to each other, obviously being very close friends. Techno couldn't help but wonder what they were talking about, and who she was to her to have such an effect. It was practically like watching a lightbulb flash on. He admired the bond the two shared. But he still wonders what had happened to anger the angelic girl. Feeling ashamed for being so nosy, he finishes his muffin and goes back to work.

An hour earlier...👀👀

     The blaring alarm that Avaline had impulsively set the week before shook her awake. She groaned, wanting to stab the alarm and throw the pieces out her apartment window. She wondered why she had decided to make Saturdays the day for only editing. Without opening her eyes, she sluggishly tried to turn off the devil's invention but instead, she knocked over an old cup of tea, spilling the contents all over her laptop that had laid next to it. At the sound of water hitting the floor, she jumps up, grabs the laptop, and frantically tries to wipe it. After an excessive amount of tissues used to dab the laptop, she assessed it, hoping that it was still functional. Thankfully, she discovers that it was still in perfect condition. She breathes a sigh of relief and swears to never keep her laptop near any source of liquids. Annoyed, she finally shuts the alarm off and gets ready to leave. She had decided that she wanted to breathe some fresh air and enjoy a sweet drink, so she was headed to her second home, the cafe. She tossed her favorite red hoodie into the laundry bin, deciding that it needed to be washed. She threw on a sweater and complimentary skirt, not minding how she looked. She was still angry with the morning's events and stormed onto the streets of New York. Speed walking, she was annoyed at every person that walked on the streets with her. Dodging and weaving people, dogs, and cats, she soon made it to the cafe. Bursting through the door, she aims straight for her regular table and starts working. At one point, Macy appears next to her table with a sugary drink and muffin in hand. Avaline smiles at her, thankful that she knew exactly what she was in the mood for. The duo immediately starts a conversation, talking about what we've been doing lately, the weather, recent gossip, and other things. The cheerful girl had stripped every ounce of anger and annoyance out of Avaline. She was almost like an angel, a blessing to the world. She deserved the world and more. The energetic conversation comes to an end when a new customer walks through the doors, the bells lighting ringing. Macy excuses herself and gets back to work. In a better mood, Avaline takes a sip of her drink and looks around. Her eyes immediately lock onto the boy sitting in the corner. She had immediately recognized him as the one from the beach. Her cheeks were set on fire, embarrassed that he possibly had watched her storm in childishly. She found him attractive for sure, but she didn't like him in a romantic way. Avaline creepily watched him as he works, tapping around, looking determined, and concentrated. She admired how he managed to look great so effortlessly. Avaline who couldn't relate, let out a tired sigh and got to work. Little did she know that in his eyes, she was the most beautiful person he had ever seen.

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