Cutesy Bonus Stuff

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A/N: *stabs orphan cutely* uwu🥺guys I literally miss Avaline and Techno while I'm writing my other fic fuck bro

Dedicated to YOU KNOW WHO BRO

Laying in his arms Avaline taps his nose, the two lovers in their own bubble. "Eyes brown like smooth chocolate, and I'm going down, like the titanic."

Though they both shared the same eye color, Avaline believed that he had the most beautiful eyes in the world.

Even with the scenic beach around them, Avaline chose to admire his beauty.

The waves crashing not too far from them, birds yelling, and children laughing, it was frankly the opposite of when they had first met on that fateful day.

A smitten Techno pinches Avaline's cheeks causing her to squeak. "I'm like Icarus, and you're the sun. I ignore all reason to reach you, but this time, I won't fall."

Giggling, she responds, "Yea, because you did a different type of falling."

A chuckle tricked out of him, "Indeed."

Avaline pushes herself off of him, going to kneel on the warm sand, picking up a handful, she throws it at Techno, prompting him to curse as he spills his wine of his shirt.

"Shit, I spilt wine all on my white tee."(please guys). Pulling a shocked pikachu face, Avaline profusely apologizes, before running away.

Placing the cup of wine away, he stands up, chasing her. The two of them laughing, running down to the water. Along the way, Techno grabs a random feather he found buried in the sand.

Soon, Avaline's laughter ceases, being replaced with screams of bloody murder as she frantically runs from the feather in his hand.

With his new weapon in hand, he laughs loudly, the two kicking up the sand and pink tinted water.

Terrified Avaline desperately runs back to their little beach set up, jumping into the tent and zipping it up to keep the man out.

Techno catches up, slightly out of breath. "Let me in or else I'm going to huff and puff til your tent blows in!"

The still terrified girl responds, "This isn't the chum bucket."

A short laughs sounds outside of the tent, then being followed with, "Okay okay I'm going to throw the feather away, you can come out now." True to his words, Techno does throw the feather away from them.

Avaline scowls, untrusting. "You're lying."

"Nah I'm not. Come out please."

Hesitantly, Avaline does unzip the tent, stepping out back onto the silky sand.

With a smile, Techno shows his empty hands, before walking over to her, and taking ahold of her hand.

With their fingers interlocked and a smile finding its way back onto Avaline's face, Techno guided them to the water, the two of them walking into cold ankle deep water.

Pink streaked sky reflects a rosy tint on the two, the setting sun casting a glow in Avaline's eyes.

Her eyes attached the the sky, Techno sneakily moves his hand into his pocket, releasing her hand and getting down onto one knee.

Avaline notices this motion, turning to see the love of her life on one knee, holding up a diamond ring to her.

Her eyes widening beyond belief, she covers her mouth with two hands, gasping, throat closing. Tears form in her eyes as she listens.

"Avaline, I've loved you ever since I heard your voice in that call. I can not express all my love for you in just words. If getting to meet and fall in love with you was my form of flying too close to the sun, I would do it a million times over again."

The first tear escapes her eyes, the droplet trailing down on her cheek.

"We were just two kids whose hearts had been set on fire. And just when I thought my life would stay as an all time low, I laid my eyes on you. It started a chain reaction, setting my heart ablaze. I've never regretted the day that I called you mine."

Trying to keep a strong face on, Techno continues, failing to stop the tears from selling up in his eyes.

"We were just two broke kids running around in the city. What are the chances that we've already met each other before without even knowing? Avaline, I'm not sure what magic you're practicing, but I am seriously head over heels for you. I am so fucking convinced that we're eternal lovers. Even in our previous lifetime, we must've been lovers. Hell, even in our next lifetime, I promise with my whole heart, that I will call you mine again. So, Avaline Leonhart, will you marry me?"

A sob escapes her mouth, tears uncontrollably dripping down her face. She frantically nods, "Yes. Yes a thousand times over. Yes a million times over. I love you so fucking much."

Extending her right hand to him, Techno slips the diamond ring onto the respective finger. He presses a kiss onto her knuckles before standing up, joining their lips.

I never regretted the day I called you mine.

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