she cooks for you (requested)

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"Y/n," Momo spoke softly as she set the tray of food down on the table and then sat on the edge of the bed beside you where you slept. "Beautiful girl, wake up," she whispered, kissing along your forehead with a smile on her face as you stirred.

"No," you whined, only for her to chuckle and caress your shoulder.

"C'mon, baby. It's a beautiful day outside. I made you breakfast." She mumbled as she kissed across your cheek and lightly dragged her fingertips along your arms.

Her touch and kisses, as well as the delicious aroma in the air, made you wake from your slumber.

"There's my pretty girl. Good morning!"

"Morning. What time is it?" You asked before yawning and stretching out your legs.

"Almost ten o'clock." Your girlfriend replied then gazed back at you lovingly. "I couldn't sleep. Every time I'd look over at you or you'd curl up to me, my heart would pound against my chest, fill with butterflies."

You chuckled as you sat up. Unable to look away from her big brown eyes that held a loving, adoring gaze for you.

"And so I decided I'd make you breakfast."

She moved the tray of food from the table and onto your lap. You were speechless when you saw your favorite breakfast foods made just the way you like them.

"Momo... that's so sweet of you. I don't even know what to say. Thank you!"

She moved forward to kiss your lips, but let hers hover over your soft ones for a minute so she could admire you. With your hair pulled back and her shirt on and your sweatpants and fluffy socks, you looked too adorable for her to even try to put into words.

"It's my pleasure, baby," she whispered before giving you the kiss you've been anticipating, her fingers hooking under your chin to hold it as she moved her lips lovingly against your own. "I'm happy you stayed here last night. Now we get to enjoy the day together."

"Me too." You smiled and she kissed you once more before pulling back to let you eat. "It smells amazing," you paused, taking a bite, "And tastes even better."

She kissed your cheek happily before she rolled to her side of the bed and grabbed her phone to scroll through it. But before she got the chance to, you took ahold of her hand and she turned to see you holding some food on another fork out for her,"

"You cooked for me, you deserve to enjoy some of the delicious food, too."

She turned her phone back off and then moved to sit behind you, clothed chest against your back as you shared the delicious breakfast together and talked about all the things you wanted to do together today while she peppered kisses along your shoulders every chance she got and looked forward to every second to spend together.

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