don't push yourself so hard (requested)

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"Y/N?" Momo called out as she entered the house. "Baby, I'm home!"

Her heart was practically racing with excitement about finally being home with you after such a long, busy day.

It's about ten-thirty at night and she could hear the music blasting through the speakers upstairs in your shared room.

She made sure the front door was locked before she headed upstairs.

She appeared in the doorway, watching you as you tried to perfect the routine to I can't stop me.

She smiled to herself at first, leaning against the frame of the door as you continued to dance, staring at yourself in the mirror.

But then, she frowned as you started to get upset with yourself for some reason that she didn't understand.

"Ugh!" You groaned as you fixed your hair, which was pulled up into a messy ponytail to keep it out of your face. "Come on, y/n. You can do this."

Momo didn't understand why you seemed so frustrated and upset with yourself.

She also noticed that you were practically drenched in sweat.

That's not unusual, since dancing isn't easy and the choreography for I can't stop me isn't easy.

But you were soaked with sweat.

She could see it even from where she was standing.

"Do better." You mumbled to yourself, pushing yourself even harder to try and perfect every move.


You jumped when you heard her voice.

You turned down the volume and looked over at Momo.

"You scared me."

She noticed how much you were panting. You seemed to be very out of breath.

"Are you okay? Do you know how late it is? Babe, you were doing this when I left and when I texted you earlier this evening. You've taken a break, right?"

You wordlessly shrugged your shoulders as she walked to you.

"You dance a lot."

"Yeah but I take breaks and I also make sure I don't push myself too far when doing so." She said as she put her hands on your shoulders.

You swayed a little in her arms as if you were dizzy.

Pushing yourself so hard that you were almost too weak to stand now.

"Why are you doing this to yourself? You look exhausted and so low on energy. Sit down."

She guided you to the bed, making you sit down beside her.

"I heard you getting frustrated with yourself. You're being so hard on yourself. Why, my love?"

You sighed as she brushed her fingers across your thigh soothingly.

"I want to lose weight. I'm insecure about my body and I see how you and the girls stay in shape by dancing. I thought I could do the same."

"Y/N, there is nothing wrong with your body. You're perfect just the way that you are. Yes, the girls and I dance a lot but we also take care of ourselves and there have been times when we've pushed ourselves too hard, so we try to be gentler so that doesn't happen again. But that's where you're headed with how hard you're pushing yourself."

You stared at your lap, watching her fingers brush across your skin in circles, unable to look at her due to the shame you felt.

"People say things about my body. I just thought that if I worked hard, I could feel better about myself because people wouldn't say such cruel things about my body."

"They're bullies, y/n. They're jealous, mean, hateful people that wish they had the things that you do. They want to tear you down and make you feel bad. That's what they do to make themselves feel better."

"I know." You sighed. "I just felt worthless."

"But you're not worthless. You're perfect and I love you and so do so many others. I know it's easier said than done but you have to ignore these people. I know they're loud but they don't matter. You have me. You have the girls. You've got so many people that love you. They matter. Not these bullies."

You put your head on her shoulder, smiling a little.

"If you want to learn our routines, I'll happily teach you them. But only on the condition that you don't do it to lose weight but for fun. You also can't push yourself. When you feel weak or low on energy, you take a break."

"Okay. I promise." You smiled.

"Pinky promise me?" She asked, holding her pinky out, and you wrapped yours around it.

She grinned before kissing your lips.

"You're beautiful and I'm in love with you. I love you just the way you are and I don't want you to hurt yourself."

"I won't. I promise." You assured, giving her another sweet kiss. "I love you lots."

"Let's go take a shower together." She smiled and stood up, her hand intertwined with yours as you walked into the bathroom together, swearing you'd never push yourself as hard as you did before.

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