doughnut (requested)

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"What's all this, baby?" You smiled brightly as you walked into yours' and Momo's shared home, noticing all of the candles around the kitchen and living room.

You also breathed in the delicious aroma in the air of whatever she was making in the kitchen. It made your mouth water.

"I know how busy and stressed we've both been lately and since we both have a few days off starting this evening, I wanted to start it off with something romantic." She explained as she helped you out of your jacket. "I thought I'd try this new recipe I found. It should be done in a little while. Until then,"

She paused and kissed your forehead before walking across the room.

You heard doughnut begin to play and your heart fluttered when she walked back to you, hand held out for you to take.

"Can I have this dance?"

You took off your shoes and took her hand into yours, happily letting her pull you close.

You put your arms around her neck and stared into her beautiful brown eyes, mesmerized by the stars in them.

"I know it's not much but I wanted to do something romantic and sweet for us." She said and you shook your head before putting your lips on hers for a sweet kiss.

She happily kissed you back as she brushed her fingertips across your back in soft circles, enjoying every second of your lips on hers.

"It's absolutely perfect, Momo. I didn't expect any of this. It was a wonderful surprise. It's so very thoughtful of you. I'll be enjoying every second of this romantic and beautiful night with you, and all of the other nights we get to spend together during our time off."

She smiled at you as she moved one of her hands from your back, taking one of yours from around her neck so she could intertwine your fingers together.

"I'm so in love with you." She whispered as she closed her eyes, swaying with you as doughnut played in the candlelit room.

"I'm so in love with you." You spoke back to her.

You closed your eyes and swayed romantically. The song was on repeat, making the moments that you danced around the living room together oh so romantic.

You couldn't focus on anything else. All of the stresses and worries that you've felt during this long, stressful week were long gone from your mind.

All you could think about was Momo; how much you love her, how much she means to you, how happy and content you feel right now with her.

You swear that this is the happiest you've felt in so long.

As she holds you close with no intention of pulling away and no intention of interrupting this perfect and beautiful moment with you, you both feel your hearts swelling with an inexpressible amount of love for one another; wondering how you got so lucky to be able to be with each other.

"I love you, I love you," she sang along, whispering the lyrics softly into your ear as she held you tight, never ever wanting to let you go.

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